
Survey: What do you think about the Bible?

Started by February 03, 2011 09:24 PM
229 comments, last by LancerSolurus 13 years, 6 months ago

To put it differently. God created world in 6 days 6000 years ago. For a believer, that is it. The fossils are not older, they do not study them because there is nothing to study. God placed those fossils in earth. Creatures do not evolve. They haven't changed since God created them 6000 years ago. There is nothing to study.

Well, this "believer" disagrees with you. dry.gif

The times of creation cannot be known with complete certainty. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves and others.

There is a lot to study. Science and Christianity are not in competition.

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

[s]Christianity[/s] Religion has become a for-profit institution (while Islam is a for-politics institution).

Fixed that for you. wink.gif

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development


You could've condensed that survey into one question
Are you:
Non-practicing christian
Practicing christian
Fundamentalist christian
[/quote]Not really. Many people would differ over what 'practicing' and 'fundamentalist' mean in this context, especially with the strong politicalisation of religion in countries like the US. Getting people to answer more specific questions so you can slot them into your own meaning of those terms is more useful.
There is a lot to study. Science and Christianity are not in competition.
Science and some strands of Christianity are not in competition. Other threads very much compete with science. So I would say Science and the Bible's explanation of the universe are not in competition... but many people have their own interpretation of that explanation.

Science embraced religion as the primitive's answer to why the sun goes down each night. Religion didn't do the same for science.
"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1297083477' post='4770849']There is a lot to study. Science and Christianity are not in competition.
Science and some strands of Christianity are not in competition. Other threads very much compete with science. So I would say Science and the Bible's explanation of the universe are not in competition... but many people have their own interpretation of that explanation.
There is only one "strand" of Christianity. You can say "some denominations and Christian-like religions". wink.gif

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development


[quote name='d000hg' timestamp='1297120787' post='4771106']
[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1297083477' post='4770849']There is a lot to study. Science and Christianity are not in competition.
Science and some strands of Christianity are not in competition. Other threads very much compete with science. So I would say Science and the Bible's explanation of the universe are not in competition... but many people have their own interpretation of that explanation.
There is only one "strand" of Christianity. You can say "some denominations and Christian-like religions". wink.gif
Now I'm confused.

There is allegedly a museum which shows how Adam and Eve walked with dinosaurs and how life was created 6000 years ago or so. And Christian religion is dogmatic - so there are not multiple theories on creation, there is one.

How does that work out. How and when was the world created. Why are some people taking up prime time TV. Why are they changing schools, firing teachers and research scientists and why is biology now considered "potentially controversial".

What is the "one strand" dogma then? Doesn't claiming something that is not written classify as blasphemy? And if not - which religion are those representing?

Now I'm confused.

Oh, where to begin...

There is allegedly a museum which shows how Adam and Eve walked with dinosaurs and how life was created 6000 years ago or so. And Christian religion is dogmatic - so there are not multiple theories on creation, there is one.

Christians like me view museums like that with contempt. This is the third "version" of life on this planet. Of this, we are sure. The Bible doesn't explain why this is and I don't think it needs to. Read my previous post about what I think the Bible is. wink.gif There is one creation story, but, as I posted earlier, it is full of gaps with a timeline that simply is not physically possible. I don't believe that is is incorrect, but incomplete. There are more theories about creation. All are based on what is written, but most try to find a balance between what was written and what we have discovered. In essence, these theories try to fill the gaps.

How does that work out. How and when was the world created. Why are some people taking up prime time TV. Why are they changing schools, firing teachers and research scientists and why is biology now considered "potentially controversial".

Because, fundamentalist Christians (of which I am not) are blinded by 2000 years of misinterpretation, fear to question and closed mindedness. I do not fault scientists for viewing creationism with such vitriol. It is fundamentalist Christians that caused this.

[color=#1C2837][size=2]What is the "one strand" dogma then? Doesn't claiming something that is not written classify as blasphemy? And if not - which religion are those representing?


[color="#1C2837"]There are MANY things that are not written. There are no other planets than the earth. The sun is not a star. There are not billions upon billions of stars in the galaxy and there are no galaxies. There isn't molten rock under the earth's crust. The inside of a human body contains nothing but a heart. Need I go on?

[color="#1C2837"]Again, read my previous post about what I think the Bible is.
There's obviously a thousand strains of Christianity. The crazies who believe in the 6000-year-old-earth stuff are just one strain - their interpretation is not dogma to other strains.

[quote name='Shanee' timestamp='1296900490' post='4769939']
If God's morals are so absolute then how come they keep changing over 1000 years, 100 years and even every decade?

God's morals have never changed about this. Religions != God's morals.

And you know God's morals about this then? Really?

That's the thing: nobody knows God's morals, if there is such entity. You could say that by reading the bible, it is probably infact FOR burning homosexuals and controlling women, yet religions evolved with society and discarded it. Well, good for them!

Then again I haven't read the New Testament, maybe it says something different, if it does than someone's morals did change, I don't know who but as an atheist, I doubt these were God's morals ;)

See, you can claim whatever you like for God, the morals, the message. In truth, the only hint you may have is your book, well that's not helpful. Everyone gives a different meaning to the text, different interpretations, different morals and "orders". Almost every religious person I know gives a different meaning to the bible and its message, well that's great, but until God does not reveal and announces everything in a way which is quite very clear to be "God's message" (no, a book like this is not very clear, that is a fact. also a person claiming to talk to God and speaking the message is not) then I doubt there is "God's morals" and ":God's message" at all.

Funny how in the medical care speaking to God is normal, God speaking to you is psychosis.

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