But without an all powerful ruling deity, any definition of "nice philosophy" is arbitrary.
Morality can't be "correct", it's a personal value.
With respect, I'd like to point out that you're agreeing with my previous post.
When you set the standard for morality yourself, it is arbitrary. It will differ between people, between cultures.
It may even change over time.
but they do offend the morality of others.
You've brought the concept of "better" morals into this, not me. As above with "correctness", "better" is nonsense in this context.
I agree since both yours and Bob's morals are arbitrary neither is better than the other.
But if you accept that your morality is no better than his, why would you be offended when Bob revs up his pickup truck to go kitten squishing?
The people who are offended by your 'immoral' actions (immoral = against their own personal morals).
Such people are being irrational. It might be my moral to be immoral. And since their morality is no better than mine... ah you get the idea.
If your actions would offend someone in France or Iran then it matters not, but if your actions offend your neighbours, peers or friends, then you'll have issues.
This again is an arbitrary rule.
Someone else may well disagree that it is ok to offend someone in France just because they are not a neighbour/peer or friend and be offended at your comment.