
Survey: What do you think about the Bible?

Started by February 03, 2011 09:24 PM
229 comments, last by LancerSolurus 13 years, 6 months ago

I would bet that 80-90% of western game developers (and other engineers) are atheists or agnostics.

I suspect you're right - but do you think that's just reflective of intellectual/well educated people generally? Or do you think it's something about the computer programming / engineering mindset specifically? I only ask this because I was a student at Cambridge University where there's a disproportionately HIGH number of Christians, the vast majority of whom (at least in my circles) are from more scientific disciplines rather than the arty ones.

I have not read the whole discussion about morality here but I would like to speak my opinions:

Morality is indeed relative, even within the circles of religion (you might want to ask which religion or which God when starting threads of this type btw), take for example women's rights, back then it was very moral to enslave, rape, "take a woman to be your wife". Being from Israel I had to study the bible in school, I am an atheist and I do have quite some understanding of the bible considering I had to read and study it for 12 years in bible class, lucky it was not a religious school and I only had a bible class and not just bible studies.

In Hebrew the word for wife is pretty much the same word for woman, the word for husband means owner. Just in case people reading this are not familiar with Israel I should add that men are no "owners" of women and it isn't some poor country where we (women) do not have rights and are controlled by men, then again, I come from a non-orthodox and even atheist family and region (every place have religious people in it, I am referring to the majority). Instead what you see here is pretty much as you see in your own country probably.

Taking further the subject of women's rights, it wasn't until recently (by recently I mean decades) that women could work at pretty much any job men could, or that women could be the first to offer a man a relationship in a bold way, rather than having to wait for the man to do so. Women had to do this, do that, act in a specific manner and in a way, serve their husband and family. That was acceptable and morally right. Now it is not.

Can we talk about homosexuality too? Why not we burn them? Oh wait, why would I burn my gay friend? Maybe I would some 50-100 years ago, when it was morally right and religious advocated against gays, have you noticed how more and more religious circles are suddenly ok with homosexuals? If God's morals are so absolute then how come they keep changing over 1000 years, 100 years and even every decade?

Bottom line is: Morality, as everything else in this universe, is relative. It is said to be "Morally Right" when the major of the population agrees on the concept or the action, if they disagree than it is wrong. Who says they are right? No one can, because there is no such thing as right in the universe, there is how things are and these are different everywhere and for everyone. An example of why cutting ears is wrong had been brought up, well let us bring up a story: we are not humans, we are a race called... "Balruni"! our ears have a chemical storage, this chemical, when exposed to oxygen sends us a sensation of great pleasure, yet it is sealed. Upon making a bond with our loved ones we cut each others left ear, causing great pleasure to our mate, don't worry the ears grow back within 7 days. Some also cut it for pleasure, just as humans do in sex. Is it morally wrong to cut someone's ears?

Btw, Jewish people cut a part of their male born sexual organ ;) Is that morally right? I know a lot of people who say no. What's God's opinion on this then, umm?
I can't help but feel that this thread is at severe risk of going way off course...

[quote name='ApochPiQ' timestamp='1296773573' post='4769233']
The vast majority of your questions seem geared towards Christians. As an atheist, I really have no way to answer them meaningfully.

And yes, I have read the bible, numerous times, and am well versed in its contents. I just happen to have very little regard for it or its vaunted contents.

Kudos to you for reading it before deciding you have little regard for it.

May I ask why you read the Bible numerous times if you have little regard for it?
Just curious cause there would be people in this world who have a high regard for the Bible and yet have read it less times than you.

I could answer that question aswell since i'm in roughly the same situation, i have read the bible a few times and have also studied other religions to a reasonable extent, yet i'm an agnostic atheist. Religion as a concept however is fascinating and since its a large part both of peoples daily lives and our history i think its important to atleast have a basic knowledge of it.
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Btw, Jewish people cut a part of their male born sexual organ ;) Is that morally right? I know a lot of people who say no. What's God's opinion on this then, umm?

I don't know about it being morally right...actually I don't see how it has anything to do with morality. But most American males are circumcised and agree w/ the's supposed to be healthier. unsure.gif
They hated on Jeezus, so you think I give a f***?!

I can't help but feel that this thread is at severe risk of going way off course...

Aye! Welcome to the Lounge!

Btw, Jewish people cut a part of their male born sexual organ ;) Is that morally right? I know a lot of people who say no. What's God's opinion on this then, umm?

Is removing someone's appendix morally wrong? In some countries cutting your hair/beard is morally wrong. Why is removing some skin morally wrong?

....yet i'm an agnostic atheist.

No actually your not. Nor are you a Christian Muslim, a Jewish Buddhist or an Agnostic Mennonite. You are either Agnostic or Atheist. The two are different to such a degree that you can't be both.
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant

[quote name='Ticker' timestamp='1296786247' post='4769314']
But without an all powerful ruling deity, any definition of "nice philosophy" is arbitrary.
Why is it "nice" to be polite to people?
Why is it "not nice" to cut peoples' ears off?
Wow... just....
wow. That's disgusting.

Your internal morals and humanity are the arbitrator that decides that the former is nice and the latter is not nice. If you need an external deity in order to make moral judgements, then you're amoral and inhuman.

+ how do you know it's God, and not Satan, whose voice you hear (or your schizophrenic mind)?

This moral thing is so simple, because it doesn't really exist. So doesn't "I deserve it", "it's my right" and all the stuff we see on TV.
There's price and benefit. If you like slaughtering women, slaughtering women will be a benefit. The prize: You have to be on the run/you will get executed/shot down etc.
Luckily, most of us like doing/don't like doing the same things.

Sometimes, morality is just used as an excuse to be coward. For example: "I'm moral, because I don't sleep with every women I meet." In reality: I'm a loser.

The whole moral argument is the same as the "to be run over on the crossing when the car had a red-light" argument. I'm sure that 90 % of the run overs could be avoided if the pedestrian would look around even if the pedestrian has green-light. Sure, it's the car driver's fault, jail him/execute him, but the pedestrian could have avoided the whole thing in most cases (at least in my country, I don't know about traffic "morals" in other countries).
But this argument is hopeless. It can end in a bigger flamewar then religious flamewars.

The Apocalypse stuff looks like a good song lyrics material though...

No actually your not. Nor are you a Christian Muslim, a Jewish Buddhist or an Agnostic Mennonite. You are either Agnostic or Atheist. The two are different to such a degree that you can't be both.
Agnostic is a knowledge claim and atheist is a belief claim. One can be both.

An agnostic atheist is someone who doesn't know which god is right or believe in a god/s.
Compared to a:
agnostic theist, who does believe in God, but doesn't know what knowledge is correct.

There is also a huge number of Jewish Buddists, and are often nicknamed "Jew-Boos".

[quote name='SimonForsman' timestamp='1296910946' post='4769975']
....yet i'm an agnostic atheist.

No actually your not. Nor are you a Christian Muslim, a Jewish Buddhist or an Agnostic Mennonite. You are either Agnostic or Atheist. The two are different to such a degree that you can't be both.

Agnostic and Atheist are not the same type of qualifier. For example, Buddists are Atheist. Atheist means 'doesn't believe in a God', whereas Agnostic is 'it's unknowable'.

An Agnostic Atheist would be "I don't believe in a God, but one cannot be sure", where a Agnostic Theist would be "I'm spiritual and believe in a higher power, but I know not what it is".

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