
Survey: What do you think about the Bible?

Started by February 03, 2011 09:24 PM
229 comments, last by LancerSolurus 13 years, 6 months ago

That's pretty simple: Fuck you.

Why the hostility?


[quote name='owl' timestamp='1298028492' post='4775808']
That's pretty simple: Fuck you.

Why the hostility?


Do you even care? I mean, you're up above don't you?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='God Almighty' timestamp='1298030981' post='4775816']
[quote name='owl' timestamp='1298028492' post='4775808']
That's pretty simple: Fuck you.

Why the hostility?


Do you even care? I mean, you're up above don't you?

I don't. I'm simply curious.


[quote name='owl' timestamp='1298033392' post='4775826']
[quote name='God Almighty' timestamp='1298030981' post='4775816']
[quote name='owl' timestamp='1298028492' post='4775808']
That's pretty simple: Fuck you.

Why the hostility?


Do you even care? I mean, you're up above don't you?

I don't. I'm simply curious.


Good for you, continue doing your godly stuff. Try to not disturb. Thanks.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1297948336' post='4775380']
[quote name='mikeman' timestamp='1297928655' post='4775301']
I'm just as God made me sir!

Actually, you're not as God made you. You've got an extra piece in you that God didn't put there.[/quote]What does that mean?[/quote]

That's not Christianity. sad.gif
You seem to consider yourself some kind of authority over what exactly Christianity is -- you do know that you're wrong though, right? Christianity envelopes the beliefs, cultures, traditions and practices of billions of people of different churches and denominations. Many of them are going to be completely different to the life you've lived, but none of them can honestly say that their version of that life is the true vision of Christianity. That's absurd.[/quote]
Christianity is following Christ, not following Christ + tacking on a bunch of other rules. Christ slammed the leaders of Judaism for doing just that.

So what proof did he offer for his claims?
Again, how do you know they're lies?
When I say, for example "the empire state building is actually an optical illusion, and in fact is just a small potato", how do you know I'm lying?
When someone makes an extraordinarily absurd claim with absolutely no proof or reason behind their assertions, then you don't need proof to the contrary. Any reasonable person can dismiss their drivel out of common sense (or if you like, out of science).
So according to this logic I can say just about any event in history that no longer has physical evidence to support it is a lie and not have to back it up. That's pretty stupid. dry.gif

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
"That you've eaten into their lies." (I'm bristling at this point) "They are making up stories to scare you, so they can tell you what to do. Well, *I* don't like following orders."

So what proof did he offer for his claims?[/quote]
Logic != proof

[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
We didn't really speak much for the rest of the day or the next one, but his words had taken root in my mind. They made sense. A lot of sense. Much more than a story about fire and brimstone, fallen angels, wars, parting waters, sheep, candles and chanting.I was starting to see through the veil of lies.

Again, how do you know they're lies?[/quote]

Because I don't carry this sin you are talking about. [/quote]
How do you know?

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development


[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
"That you've eaten into their lies." (I'm bristling at this point) "They are making up stories to scare you, so they can tell you what to do. Well, *I* don't like following orders."

So what proof did he offer for his claims?[/quote]
Logic != proof

But his friend offered more proof than the teachers who indoctrinated him in school.

[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
We didn't really speak much for the rest of the day or the next one, but his words had taken root in my mind. They made sense. A lot of sense. Much more than a story about fire and brimstone, fallen angels, wars, parting waters, sheep, candles and chanting.I was starting to see through the veil of lies.

Again, how do you know they're lies?[/quote]

Because I don't carry this sin you are talking about. [/quote]
How do you know?

Most likely because sin doesn't exist. It's just a concept designed by humans to control other humans.


[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1298037127' post='4775857']
[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
"That you've eaten into their lies." (I'm bristling at this point) "They are making up stories to scare you, so they can tell you what to do. Well, *I* don't like following orders."

So what proof did he offer for his claims?[/quote]
Logic != proof

But his friend offered more proof than the teachers who indoctrinated him in school.[/quote]

Indeed. Besides, without logic, there can be no proof. If you are to search for objective proof, you need to discard your illogical beliefs first.

[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1298037127' post='4775857']
[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
We didn't really speak much for the rest of the day or the next one, but his words had taken root in my mind. They made sense. A lot of sense. Much more than a story about fire and brimstone, fallen angels, wars, parting waters, sheep, candles and chanting.I was starting to see through the veil of lies.

Again, how do you know they're lies?[/quote]

Because I don't carry this sin you are talking about. [/quote]
How do you know?

Most likely because sin doesn't exist. It's just a concept designed by humans to control other humans.



Let me turn this around: how do *you* know sin exists? Someone tells you a fable about a snake and a girl and you buy it just like that? Where's the evidence?

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Let me turn this around: how do *you* know sin exists? Someone tells you a fable about a snake and a girl and you buy it just like that? Where's the evidence?

Nope, not "just like that". I've been a Christian for over 25 years and spent and good bit of time before becoming one examining and studying the Bible before accepting it as truth. In all that time I've never found anything to disprove it. The problem seems to be, most people think they're too smart to even consider it to be true so never dig in and examine it.

So, are you going to answer my question? smile.gif

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

Let me turn this around: how do *you* know sin exists? Someone tells you a fable about a snake and a girl and you buy it just like that? Where's the evidence?

Define 'sin'. If we define it as the inclination of the human nature to be selfish, arrogant, aggressive, greedy,cowardice then there's evidence all around us. All those million years of evolution, all these thousands of years of technology, science and philosophy, and humans are as bad as always. Just ~60 years ago we had WW2. And various wars after that. For some time we played around with WW3, and the danger of that is not over yet. We poison nature. We vote for incompetent leaders, and we are incompetent citizens ourselves. Many of us say 'I just want me and my friends and family to be well, all the rest can drop dead for all I care', whether we admit it or not.

People are amassing wealth for no reason at all, or wasting their lives discussing celeb gossip and following one stupid fashion trend after another, while other people are struggling to have clean water and some food to survive. Lady fucking Gaga and Rihanna and their outfits are getting more exposure than sick kids that barely survive in poor regions of Africa of elsewhere. Most people are not able to have the simplest of discussions without starting name-calling and being aggressive towards the other side.

There is enough natural wealth, and enough technology, and enough medicine knowledge, that, if we wanted, it could feed everyone. But we don't. Why the fuck not? What's stopping us? What is this fucking thing, I don't know what to call it, that stops us from ensuring a decent life and education to everyone? It's self-evident that humanity is, as a whole, totally fucked up. If a truly civilized race existed, it would be amazed at how much of retarded savages we are. There's evidence of "sin" all around us, in that sense. Whether the origins of it are metaphysical, and what does that mean, is beyond the issue.

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