
Survey: What do you think about the Bible?

Started by February 03, 2011 09:24 PM
229 comments, last by LancerSolurus 13 years, 6 months ago

[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1297818730' post='4774745']Of course it's going to seem unfair to us that many will go to Hell, but our viewpoint is biased. You have to learn not to look at things from our viewpoint and it will just frustrate and confuse you. God is God and we're not. He's perfectly within his rights to completely destroy us at any time if he wanted.
Please stop making me in your image. I'm not a sociopath.



pretty please?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.


pretty please?

Sorry, I don't intervene in human affairs, at least not at the moment. In the past, it never turned out how I imagined it would.

But you could lobby for a basic income guarantee; then you would at least not have to work for a living anymore, only if you
wanted to earn a little extra.


[quote name='God Almighty' timestamp='1297970920' post='4775536']
I never understood why you would or should ask me for forgiveness and not the human you acted against.

Why would I not do both?

Because I don't listen (because I'm not interested). Just as you ignore spam in your inbox, I ignore prayers etc. directed at me.

And though I am sure you think it's cute to refer to yourself as God, and while I will admit the idea of it was initially amusing, it's amusement has run its course and is becoming increasingly more juvenile.

You may think so. But I don't really care what humans think of me. At least not when it's expressed using a meaningless word such as "juvenile".

The brilliant thing about Christianity is that it's the easiest religion to disprove - it's rooted in history, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

All you'd have to do - all the authorities back in the first century would have had to have done - is produce the body, and you've instantly discredited Christianity. The Apostle Paul says that if Jesus didn't rise from the dead but stayed dead then our whole faith is worthless and we may as well pack our bags and go home.

Christianity is UNIQUE in being able to be disproved in this way. Nobody can vouch for whether Mohammed really did receive a vision from Gabriel up on the mountain. Same for other religions. But Jesus either did die and rise again or he didn't.

And if he did, then he is uniquely qualified to teach us what exists beyond the grave because he's been there. No more speculation. No more guessing. It all centres around whether those events really happened or not, and that's really where you need to invest your energy if you intend to do any research, IMHO.

[quote name='owl' timestamp='1297999463' post='4775683']

pretty please?

Sorry, I don't intervene in human affairs

You're a mean God. You just let all those babies die. I'm better off watching porn on the interweb.

Good luck up there.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='God Almighty' timestamp='1298015106' post='4775752']
Sorry, I don't intervene in human affairs

You're a mean God. You just let all those babies die.[/quote]
Mmm ... first of all, I'm not allowed by Law of The Pantheon to interfere too much in human affairs. Remember Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha and so on? I inspired them, but that was all I could do.

And second, you humans have come so far with your medicine and your technology; you could prevent almost all of those deaths. You don't, unfortunately, but the blame for that failure lies with you (not necessarily you, owl, just humans in general), not with me.

I'm better off watching porn on the interweb.

Have fun :D And don't listen to those humans who claim that I'd kill a kitten every time you bash the bishop. That's just bullcrap. I love kittens, they are so cute and fuzzy and animated. Just close the door when you do it.


P.S: This board needs a "pervert" emoticon; I really could have used it in this post!

[quote name='owl' timestamp='1298024311' post='4775788']
[quote name='God Almighty' timestamp='1298015106' post='4775752']
Sorry, I don't intervene in human affairs

You're a mean God. You just let all those babies die.[/quote]
Mmm ... first of all, I'm not allowed by Law of The Pantheon to interfere too much in human affairs. Remember Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha and so on? I inspired them, but that was all I could do.

And second, you humans have come so far with your medicine and your technology; you could prevent almost all of those deaths. You don't, unfortunately, but the blame for that failure lies with you (not necessarily you, owl, just humans in general), not with me.

I'm better off watching porn on the interweb.

Have fun :D And don't listen to those humans who claim that I'd kill a kitten every time you bash the bishop. That's just bullcrap. I love kittens, they are so cute and fuzzy and animated. Just close the door when you do it.


P.S: This board needs a "pervert" emoticon; I really could have used it in this post!

wait, you have only 11 posts in these forums. And I have 10964. Consider that half of that is crap. No wait. Consider that 7/8 of it is crap. You know what that means?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

wait, you have only 11 posts in these forums. And I have 10964. Consider that half of that is crap. No wait. Consider that 7/8 of it is crap. You know what that means?

That you have 1370 and a half posts that are worth reading ;)


Of course I don't exist in these forums, no-one does. After all, these forums are just the representation of database entries stored on a server somewhere.

But even if it was possible to exist here, and even if my low post count somehow indicated me not existing here: How could I then move my divine posterior out of here?


[quote name='owl' timestamp='1298026859' post='4775800']
wait, you have only 11 posts in these forums. And I have 10964. Consider that half of that is crap. No wait. Consider that 7/8 of it is crap. You know what that means?

That you have 1370 and a half posts that are worth reading ;)


Of course I don't exist in these forums, no-one does. After all, these forums are just the representation of database entries stored on a server somewhere.

But even if it was possible to exist here, and even if my low post count somehow indicated me not existing here: How could I then move my divine posterior out of here?


That's pretty simple: Fuck you.

[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1297983386' post='4775624']
You shouldn't, that's the point.

And I don't know of any Christian who does. [/quote]

Then you don't know your religion at all.

Ever heard of the lord's prayer? "Our Father in heaven, [...] forgive us our sins [...]."

Every christian is guilty and must be forgiven by the lord, or bad things will happen.

hell is not fire and brimstone but the absense of god; yes, salvation is only possible through the church; no, you cannot understand the teachings on your own - do you think yourself better than our fathers? No, innocent mulsim children don't go to hell. Well yes, they do, because they don't believe in the christian god - but you mustn't ask such improper questions.

That's not Christianity. sad.gif[/quote]

Yet various christians have claimed those things in this very thread (and the previous one).

"That you've eaten into their lies." (I'm bristling at this point) "They are making up stories to scare you, so they can tell you what to do. Well, *I* don't like following orders."

So what proof did he offer for his claims?[/quote]


We didn't really speak much for the rest of the day or the next one, but his words had taken root in my mind. They made sense. A lot of sense. Much more than a story about fire and brimstone, fallen angels, wars, parting waters, sheep, candles and chanting.I was starting to see through the veil of lies.

Again, how do you know they're lies?[/quote]

Because I don't carry this sin you are talking about. Which means that I'm either the son of god (probably not or I would have known by now) or that christianity is based on a lie.

Maybe I should ask directly, seeing that god is with us on this thread: "God Almighty, am I your son?"

How would it be a waste? What should I be doing - partying and wasting money and damaging my health? I'm not doing anything I don't choose or want to do.[/quote]

False dichotomy. It is a waste because you are spending time praying rather than doing something productive like, say, going out or trolling christians on a forum.

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