

Started by February 24, 2007 06:58 PM
433 comments, last by sirGustav 17 years ago
Quote: Original post by d000hg
I snagged a couple of freelance projects on GAF and am in discussion with a team for some paying game freelance work.

GAF? I didn't think there were any
">English speakers
over there.....
Quote: Original post by WanMaster
Well, I've got my game ready. I hope it'll fit at least one the four elements. :/

That sir, was a perfect Rick Roll
Richard 'ViLiO' | Twitter | YouTube
Who starts these accursed Internet memes? I beseech superpig to start the contest soon, if only to stop the madness! [grin]

Plus my curiousity into what the four elements will be this year is killing me...
Quote: Original post by Trapper Zoid
I beseech superpig to start the contest soon, if only to stop the madness! [grin]

Oh, great. Now he'll choose 'Sparta' as an element.
I hear it was those jerks over at 4chan!

But I almost feel bad about starting it in this thread...

The worst part is, since I'm setting up a new computer, I have to keep rebooting. And I do so with Firefox open. So every time the computer starts back up, it lays into the Rick Roll again.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
dammit I fell for that as well. So now I know what "rick rolling" is. Your a b*****d.
I just wanted to see if he would actually do it. Also, this test will rule out any problems with system services.
Quote: Original post by WanMaster
Well, I've got my game ready. I hope it'll fit at least one the four elements. :/

Oh, you bastard! Now that song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the week.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..."
Quote: Original post by WanMaster
Well, I've got my game ready. I hope it'll fit at least one the four elements. :/

You my friend actually rick rolled me! I have never been before, as I am usually smarter then that. But wow...I believed my browser when I hovered my mouse over it and saw "game_screen01.jpg." I learned a lesson today: "Don't ever open any links on the internet ever again." You'll get rick rolled!

No...he'll probably have an element in there, called "Rick Rolled." Where we have to Rick Roll someone. hehe. Now that would be fun. lol.


Mah. This is madness! I got rick'rolled every single time in this thread.
At this rate the four elements are going to be "Rick", "Roll", "Music Video" and "The 80s".

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