I recently spoke to Tammy Yap, the Midway programmer profiled in the July AP article "Programmers: Video Games Need Female Touch." She elaborated on her thoughts concerning women in the industry. Noting the need to reach the younger generation, she stressed the importance of good role models for girls and young women interested in technology. She cited an MSNBC report that stated that college women have shied away from computer science and, despite the fact that more than half of the college population is female, their enrollment numbers in computer science are as low as they were in the 1970's. That's alarming, considering programming and other game development skills figure greatly in what the 2004 IC[sup]2[/sup] Institute research paper, "Gaming: A Technology Forecast," termed 21st Century science.
How can we interest girls and young women in computer science? We need role models that are visible and approachable. Indeed, during the GDC05 roundtable discussion, one woman remarked that she felt more comfortable applying to her current company after she learned that the President of the company was a woman. She felt assured that her concerns would be taken seriously. That's why I am so thrilled about the formation of Women In Games International (WIGI), a new organization for women in the game industry. I think such an organization is an important step in the maturation of our industry.
Groups like Women in Technology (WIT) and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) already exist, so this isn't a foreign concept. They are, however, too broad or too limited to encompass all that amounts to the game industry. Programmers are necessary, but so are animators, producers, designers, and various multi-talented folk who can do more than one job function. The game industry has its own specific issues. Certainly, the IGDA has been supportive of the Women in Game Development SIG and its active mailing list. Still, when I visit local chapters around the country, I wish there were more women in attendance. More outreach would be helpful. A professional women's organization could benefit both the industry and its membership.
A professional women's organization, if it had local or college chapters, could rally interest in game development careers and try to break down the misinformation. In the public's perception, games are viewed as the pastime of young men or children. Plus, the games that are publicized have violence and controversy. A young woman interested in making games faces a hurdle: society has an image of women as caregivers and this cultural image doesn't include a PS2. Moreover, a professional women's organization would give a public focus to women's issues in the industry.
Ultimately, a young woman would know that this is a community where she could learn more about the experiences of women working in the industry. Through local chapters, she would meet like-minded others and learn more about game companies in the area. Perhaps she would find a mentor. While there are well-known female game developers that serve as role models, what is great about an official organization is that all of its members can be mentors and role models. It is this personal connection to the community that will make the difference. With that, she has the self-confidence and support to forge ahead. Perhaps now she will get that job referral or advice on putting together a portfolio.
On the flip side, for companies, this organization might be the ideal place to find qualified female applicants, thus increasing diversity in the workplace. We are all interested in industry growth. The game industry is banking on female buyers to sustain its growth. Will increased diversity lead to more products with universal appeal? That's the theory. Girls find products that appeal to them and in turn, more of them become interested in game development. Our industry becomes more mainstream and even bigger.
Furthermore, I believe that a professional women's organization in the industry would give us the opportunity to get real stats on the table. Are women only 10% of the game development community? Or is this number based on anecdotal evidence? By polling its members, the organization could find out what its membership cares about and suggest ways to improve industry practices. These numbers would give weight to these recommendations, especially if we find out that there's a lot more women in the industry than we thought!
For a lobbying effort, a collective voice is always louder than a single one. In 1994, women professors at MIT banded together to compare awards, titles, grants, laboratory and office space given to men and women. The MIT administration was forced to concede that discrepancies existed. Subsequently, the women received higher salaries or other perks.
I look forward to seeing WIGI's progress. Already, over 450 people have registered for its inaugural Women in Games International event, "Advancing Your Career in Game Development: The Women's Perspective." Sessions include "Breaking In: How to Acquire The Skills and Get That First Job" and "The Executive Perspective."
Need more information? Look here:
- The Women's Game Conference (WGC) will happen on October 26 - 27, 2005 in Austin, Texas. Microsoft is holding a scholarship contest targeted towards female students in computer science who are interested in attending the WGC. Deadline: September 30, 2005.
- Find these links and more on the newly redesigned IGDA - Women in Game Development SIG page!