
assembly tut != guadalajara

Started by October 24, 2000 07:41 AM
2 comments, last by wolverine 24 years, 2 months ago
hey! i need some good and easy to read assembly tutorial for dos about the z86 and preferebly using masm. i've browsed through gamedev and there was this tutorial from the University of Guadalajara or something like that, which was very good and simple, but i need something a bit more exhaustive. i'm also reading this book called computer organization and assembly language programming for ibm pcs and compatibles wich is helping me, but i prefer tutorials (they can be more specific sometimes) so, if ya know a good tutorial... Edited by - wolverine on 10/24/00 7:46:50 AM
Art of Assembly Language

It''s how I learned ASM.

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
Advertisement is a really good site for MASM 32 tutorials

There is no try, do or do not.
There is no try, do or do not.
nice book Vetinari

im programming using masm in dos. is there any diference between masm32 and the normal masm? (i mean masm for dos)

Edited by - wolverine on October 27, 2000 4:45:45 AM

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