Worst games of the 20th century
Thankfully, though, it was cheap. Something like five bucks and a couple of proofs of purchase from dog food. Only around 5,000 were sent out, so they''re worth big bucks to collectors now.
. . .but the game itself is horrible.
(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone (www.thecodezone.com). His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for www.gamedev.net from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.
So i guess quake 2 is the worst game i've ever played. Now that's a sad story! Poor John Carmack.
Most disapointing game would be Archon 3 The Exciter, my stomach drops just thinking about it.
Game that interests me the least would be the Street Fighter series. [cringe]
Most uninsiring game i've played is Dodgem for the playstation.
I'll give druid 2 the enlightenment the award for Game that should never have been made.
I think my guts are empty now.
Edited by - Paul Cunningham on June 24, 2000 12:31:04 PM
Shaq Fu
No, I''m NOT from Indiana.
-Ender Wiggin
quote:Wait a minute. Wasn''t it Daisy who was saving those two yehaws all the time?!
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Dukes of hazard for the Atari 2600,Driving around a crappy maze dodging the cops to save daisy Yeeeeeeehaaw!! what fun.Same can be said for Dukes of hazard on the PSx.Can i get another yehaw?....No? OK.
You see, Myst was excelent for what it was. It would be apparant that a number of you just don''t like that kind of game. I personaly thought it was great. (one exception: that damn maze. I pulled the walkthrough out for that)
As for worst game ever, has anyone ever played a game called Drakan. It is the worst Toom Raider take off ever! Although the graphics were good (mainly thanks to my GeForce), all that walking between locations to move to the next one got tedious _quickly_. If anyone has ever been bothered to fisnish it... Damn what a shit ending. It''s like the story is stoped just at the end (you start out rescuing your brother... you _always_ (liner game) end up pushing your brother into a void and then following him down there, then thats it)
In a list Draken sucked because:
- Bad story
- Sad jokes
- Tedious puzles
- Slow movement
- ''dumb but strong'' AI (cheating AI)
- no story interactivity (all sub-quests _must_ be done)
- Gives you the urge to play (or cheat) more to see if the game gets better
- and so on...
I didn''t even buy that game. It came with one of my cards (snd or gfx, i forget)
saga frontier 2
man you don´t know how much say that hurts me, i love saga frotier 1, but the 2... inconsistent and impossible to understand story. slow battles, inconsistent magic/skill/weapon system, slow battle, bad made magic. i can´t say hom many times i losted all my weapons becouse the weapons break with use and the game don´t let you go to a town(there only one town in the game that sell non-crap weapons, and to get to her you must cross a big and full of enemies desert) while you don´t make something like kill a boss( how i can cross a desert full of enemies or kill a boss if i don´t have weapons?!). and i loved so much saga frontier 1...
spice world
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