
Worst games of the 20th century

Started by May 13, 2000 01:18 PM
122 comments, last by Magic Card 24 years, 4 months ago
i just remenbered another game...

drink it!
i bet that you don´t ever heard about it. it is kinda pepsi comercial. you control pepsi man, and you must run across cities caverns, metros while geting pepsi cans and sometimes avoit being overun by a big pepsi can(a la indiana jones) and... nothing that all, stage after stage, always the same thing, but is kinda funny.

There´s no ugly woman
You that didn´t drink enough
A brazilian popular belief
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"
Wow- how could I miss this post? (its like losing a hippo under the sofa. . . *ba-da-boom*)

Anyway, this is what emulators are made for- revisiting the horrors of the past. Ever played Kato & Ken for the umm. . .TurboGrafx 16.(I think.) Its poorly translated Japanese toilet humor at its worst.(best?) I seriously miss the days when stinking piles like this (no pun intended) could sneak their way past publishers. "Golden Age of Gaming" indeed. Now the big stinkers are just flat attempts at legitimacy, mediocre at worst. Truly crappy gaming may indeed be a lost art form. A moment of silence, please. . .

Oh and the worst game I''ve ever played will undoubtadly be my next one, since I treat all my creative efforts like red-headed stepchildren.

If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
Gee's, there's so many games mentioned here it's amazing. It's funny that half the games here i've never heard of and then one quarter of the computer systems mentioned i've never heard of either. I never realised that there was this much failure in this industry. It's scary.

To think of a terrible game that i've played now that i know so much about game design makes it very hard indeed. This is becuase you can appreciate the amount of effort that went into games that you thought "were" crap.

But after much deliberation with myself i can accurately say that the worse game "I have ever played" was:

Monopoly on the Commodore 64.

Why? Because of the waste of effort! When you look at the C64 and the amount of cool games on it and then you see Monopoly, you just have to wonder. What went through their minds when they decided to make this. Why, why, why? I don't want to know!

Note: its easy to take the piss out of games made on ancient system's that are crap by todays standards. But, as any experience game developer will tell you... the commodore 64 was a ripper in it's time. That's why i honestly say the the worse game that ever existed was "Monopoly" on the C64. Cheers.

Edit: Btw, there was no Artifical Intelligence in Monopoly. I think you get my point now.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!

Edited by - Paul Cunningham on September 9, 2000 2:21:16 PM
Bad collision detection? Well, yeah the prediction client can behave pretty strangely at times, but it sounds like you got a *VERY* high ping {at least 1000.} Hmm, wonder if that little red box has burned into your screen.
I must also chime in with my vote.


was so awful. The game was pumped up in all the gaming mags as being amazing. Then i rented it and returned it the same day, i didn''t even ask for my money back or anything. That''s when i stopped reading gaming magazines. What an absolute piece of crap.

BLACK DAHLIA: Great story, but only if you had the RIGHT walkthrough and patience, lots of it. I wonder why the hell did they do the riddles impossible? Instead of following the story, you found your self stuck in front of a locked chest with NO hints. God dammit, I HAD the walkthrough and only reached the 3rd/8 CD bevor quiting and deleting the game while enraged.
RED ALERT: The worst possible sequel to C&C, which was my first and on of the best PC game. No starategie, you only built and built dozens and hundereds and thousands and millions of tanks, until you overran the enemy. No story either: OK, we know Salin was a butscher, but how many times must we tolerate Cold War scenarios. OK god-fearing people at Westwood, you won, the Empire of Evil is no more, so why do we have to see the Russian Bear rising again in a PC game (What are Rambo and Chuck Norris for?)
COUNTERSTRIKE: Great game, but extremely addictive. Cost me thousands of drachmas and lots and lots of my free-time hours. I HATE THIS GAME. (Kind of a love hate relationship)
TOMB RAIDER for showing that SIZE does matter!

Best games?
1) Quest for Glory IV: All time classic
2) C&C
3) Tex Murphy (all three): The guy was just too cool!

We Shall Overcome!

Edited by - BigBrother on September 10, 2000 4:11:43 PM
We Shall Overcome!
I read this post a long time ago and resisted adding to it.
But it recently raised it''s ugly head, so post I must.
I think I might have a winner.

I''m a little older than most of you(I''m 31.) As such, I''ve been playing games, since I was about 8. Yes, I stood in amazement at the first pong in pizza hut.
Even more amazed at lunar lander for C64.
Instead of the C64, I bought a Coleco. Great move, with great early games. (Venture, Temple of Ashphai, Jumpman junior,etc..)
Coleco came out with a early computer called Adam. I bought it.
Very bad move.
It had a tape drive instead of a floppy drive. This meant every time it was accessed by the system, it took about 5 minutes per spin. (I''m not exagerating!)
At the time being, Zork was all the rage for the C64. Coleco didn''t have this game, so I looked in a magazine and saw a game that claimed to be like Zork. I ordered it by mail.
When I got it, I was super excited. It allowed you to pick a character type and generate stats, just like D&D (which was still very, very new.) Great, the first D&D like game.
Every time I picked a character type, the stats were always rolled as the same numbers. (With about a 20 minute wait, as the tape spun and spun.)
Very stange.
Got tired of trying to get a better character, or even a different one for that matter, so off to adventure I go.
It was a choice based system.
But every time you played, the results were always the same, depending upon the path you took. Fight the giant snake and it always kills you, doing the same damage every time, with you missing hitting it every time.
Fight the goblin and get somewhat hurt, then the rockslide kills you. Every damned time!!!!!
(Hey Landfish, talk about your linear adventure)

It boiled down to the fact they never set a random seed for the game, but instead used a constant. (That and the fact, that the stupid tape drive took 5 minute every time you did anything)
I lost a lot of time trying to get this game to do something different. And at age 12, I didn''t understand what was wrong.

So this was one of the first, super buggy games, sorry I can''t remember the title. I still have all my old games, so I could look it up sometime. BTW, my coleco still works!
That frieking Superman game was the worst piece of mediocre developing I''ve ever seen! The coolest move was freezing stick men with some blue crap they called "Ice Breath". Not even worth .25 cents. Nuff said.
Proverbs 26:12------------------------------There is more hope for fools than people who think they are wise.
Two recent ones: 1.Mortal Kombat Speacial forces and 2.Flinstones Bedrock Bowling for the PSx.I don''t think i need to explain MK special forces, but in Flintstones bowling it played out similer to that of the "sliding levels" in Mario 64 and did''nt have any resembelence to bowling whats so ever.The game was repeditive the music was crap the graphics were washed out and bland.The game was rush job all the way.Unless you just need to see it for your self don''t even bother.
I''ll almost definately get flamed to pieces for this, but I think that the worst game ever is FF8. Sure, the graphics were great, but I definately can''t say the same thing for the gameplay...

If you place an infinite amount of monkeys in a room with an infinite amount of type-writers, they WILL type up the entire workings of Shakespeare
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!

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