
Current Project everyone?

Started by December 10, 2002 11:29 PM
63 comments, last by XvDragonvX 22 years ago
quote: Original post by doodle_sketch
Do we need this thread twice?

that one was WRITING, this is GAME DESIGN.

btw: what are you trying to compensate with that big sig of yours?
i designed a 2d top-view death-match game featuring spherical bots with guns trapped in a chamber, my friend/programmer has only started working on it, it will also be multiplayer hopefully


((work for the world like you will never die, and work for the hereafter like you will die tomorrow)) - Prophet Mohammed.
((work for the world like you will never die, and work for the hereafter like you will die tomorrow)) - Prophet Mohammed.
quote: Original post by _Sparky_
Hello everyone...longtime lurker, first-time poster. Working on They Came From Hollywood, a 2D real-time strategy/action giant B-movie monster game(sheesh, that''s way too many adjectives).

Looks wicked cool.
quote: Original post by _Sparky_
Hello everyone...longtime lurker, first-time poster. Working on They Came From Hollywood, a 2D real-time strategy/action giant B-movie monster game(sheesh, that's way too many adjectives).

I think that is a brilliant idea for a game and wonder why no one seems to have thought of it before. I hope it does well, and if I don't lose my bookmarks, I might remember to buy a copy.

edit: add link, it's in _Sparky_'s profile

[edited by - RolandofGilead on December 11, 2002 9:27:44 PM]
quote: Original post by RolandofGilead
Original post by _Sparky_
Hello everyone…longtime lurker, first-time poster. Working on They Came From Hollywood, a 2D real-time strategy/action giant B-movie monster game(sheesh, that''s way too many adjectives).

I think that is a brilliant idea for a game and wonder why no one seems to have thought of it before. I hope it does well, and if I don''t lose my bookmarks, I might remember to buy a copy.

edit: add link, it''s in _Sparky_''s profile

[edited by - RolandofGilead on December 11, 2002 9:27:44 PM]

I think I remember someone making a movie sim…It could have been Sid Meier…

In any case, I am working on a Pac-man clone. In actuality it will be the gameplay and not the game itself that is the clone. I will attempt to have my own characters.
I am not sure if this will be a team based project (like it was originally) or if I should forge ahead alone (since the team is kind of quiet on our forum and no one has done anything yet).
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
quote: Original post by GBGames
I think I remember someone making a movie sim...It could have been Sid Meier...

Peter Molyneux\Lionhead are working on it. Kind of like the Sims, but you''re running a movie production company as far as I could tell.

I am currently working on... nothing. I have a few interesting ideas that I may or may start up in the near future (side scrollers, dating sims, rap battle game, 3D remake of River City Ransom, some kind of FPS, tons of other ideas, nothing concrete.)
Not too long ago I began preliminary work on a 3D volleyball game, but I've since decided it is too much work for a project that, of all the games I'd like to make, is not my favorite. I have other games that I'd like to work on, and while they also involve a lot of work I'd prefer to pursue those instead.

Looking at They Came from Hollywood and its B-movie background reminds me of an idea I had for a game where aliens from outer space travel to Earth to gather humans for use as slave labor. The player pilots an alien shuttle and uses it to attack fortified areas on the surface. The player then looks for a suitable landing area, and once on the surface he sets up a small teleportation device (unlike Star Trek transporters, the alien's technology requires their use on the planet surface). Then, scouring the streets and entering houses and buildings, the player gathers humans at gunpoint onto the transport area for transfer onto the mother ship that orbits the Earth.

This is just one of several games I'd like to make, but each of them takes so much work that whenever I choose one I feel like I'm neglecting the others. Of course, I have to begin somewhere. Right now I'm waiting to save up enough money to buy a copy of Lightwave 3D so I can finally begin in earnest. It's a good thing that christmas is coming soon .

[edited by - chronos on December 11, 2002 11:19:06 PM]
quote: Original post by Impossible
Peter Molyneux\Lionhead are working on it. Kind of like the Sims, but you''re running a movie production company as far as I could tell.

Molyneux''s project is The Movies . There''s an indie movie- production strategy/sim out there called Hollywood Mogul , as well. They Came From Hollywood is more about being the monster and destroying stuff, rather than making the movie -- it''s inspired by the old Epyx game Crush, Crumble, Chomp and a few other similar games of that era (The Movie Monster Game, Mail Order Monsters ).

jplocster, I really like platformers, both 2D and 3D, as long as their not puzzle platformers. What I would like to see, and would make if I wasn''t working on a 3D engine at the moment, is a Mario-like game done in side view but with a 3D engine, like Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. There are a lot of possibilities for something like that. A good full-3D platformer is hard to do, gameplay-wise.

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I started with OpenGL/3D programming a few weeks ago and I''m learning it now by making my own generic 3D engine. I was tired of drawing triangles after three days .
Anyway, I hope to use this engine in a space sim in the near future.

If idiots could fly, I would be a space-shuttle.

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