I am working on trying to find a job, as I graduated recently and am stuck tending bar
. As for gaming, I am working on a couple of open game design sites. The first is
Tyr, an online community game design project. Unfortunately, as I am busy with that whole job searching thing, I don''t get to spend enough time posting design ideas. Users fluctuate in waves, but we get some pretty interesting ideas and discussions going sometimes. This site is set up and good to go, depsite a bunch of features I would like to add down the road.
I am also working mostly on redesigning my old
site. It will
hopefully become a concept/storyboard/design document haven/warehouse. I intend to set it up so that people can post their documents for 1.)critiques/feedback, 2.)examples to others, 3.)Just to share with someone so they see the light of day, 4.)Find other people/groups interested on helping with implementation, and 5.)In hopes that some game studio will peruse through it and take ideas for their proffessional games. All submitted docs will have to agree to some sort of open document license, allowing anyone to use ideas in anyway they want. I will probably set up some system so document owners can withdraw their docs from the site if they wish to as well. I am adding features to my old site as well as updating the crappy style...I like where I have taken it but feedback on the new design would be appreciated. It is a work in progress and can be found
Also, any feedback on that idea and new members at Tyr is definitely welcome!
Tyr project is here.