Picking up the peices

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 18, 2006
Well today I showed off Galaxy COnquest to a highly-receptive audience. Everyone at the chapter meeting agreed that it looked like a really cool game and couldn't wait to play it and see what it's like. So that makes me feel good, having an indication of how the game is coming across to people. I didn't get to give my GDC presentation because we were running short on time, but that's okay because our next meeting is the week before GDC so it'll actually be better since the information will still be fresh in people's minds. So a bit of a delay in that, I know you all just can't wait to get your hands on the slides [wink]

As far as the little oopsie a few days ago with deleting a bunch of my source files... yea that's not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I thought my last backup had been after the first alpha release 3 weeks ago, when in fact I had backed up the Sunday before last as part of my monthly backups (first sunday of each month). Then I didn't actually have time to work on the game until the following Sat (last Sat). So pretty much the work lost is detailed in my journal entries from the 11th and the 13th, which is a working Imperialism model, special system densities and blitzkreig mode. *phew*. That's way better a situation than I thought I was in!!!

So things are lookin pretty good again. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to recoup on my losses.
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