Geared up and ready to go

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 17, 2006
I finished my presentation last night for the IGDA chapter meeting tomorrow. Been working on it the past two days. Man it's been so long since I used powerpoint... I think the last time I used it before doing my GI presentation a few weeks ago was back in sophomore year in high school for a chemistry project. Yeepers!

Doing the GI presentation helped a lot to get me back into the flow though. I really like the design I came up with for my GI slides

So I took that and applied it to the slides for the chapter presentation as well. I had originally planned to just make it about networking, but then I realized that the GDC is pretty much one big networking event, so I might as well talk more about the conference itself as well. I had to cut a few things from my original outline in order to make it concise and ensure I'd finish within 30 minutes. I've had to sit through my fair share of droners (including one time someone actually played audio narration off their slides - aauugh!!) so I don't wanna drag out anything. It was great to be able to dig through 4 years of GDC photographs to accompany the slides - I even found a 1989 CGDC logo using Google Images!

So I'm excited about giving this presentation for people new and old to the GDC. It'll be available on the IGDA NJ website after the meeting, so keep an eye out for it if you're going to be heading to GDC! I'll also post a notice up in the Lounge when it goes online.

In the meantime here's a preview [smile]

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Your a staff member? whoa! Congrats! Maybe I just never noticed it lol, how long have you been a staff member?
February 17, 2006 06:27 PM
You mean here at GDNet?? [smile] I've been a staff member here since 2001, hee hee
February 17, 2006 08:41 PM
Looks like a very cool presentation. I want to get out to GDC one of these years, looks like a blast [grin].
February 17, 2006 09:58 PM
Rob Loach

Ah yes, the infamous "Gaiiden Glare"TM.
February 18, 2006 12:37 AM
@caffeineaddict: yea it is a lot of fun. Totally relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Kinda like a big family gathering. It rocks! Hope to see you out there sometime

@Rob Loach: Hahaa yeaa.... it's either that or the one-eybrow-up look [smile]
February 18, 2006 01:41 AM
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