
Published June 19, 2005

What a colossal waste of time today. Didn't finish the desert terrain set like I wanted, though I did do a quickie stone-paved road type that seems to work okay. Not fantastic, but it suits for now. I didn't get around to doing the grass/scrub texture like I wanted, and I probably should do a rocky ground and a dried mud one just to round things out. That scrabbly dirt one I'm not entirely satisfied with, so I might swap it out for the stony ground one when it's done. Need something better for road fringes too; right now, I'm just blending out the paving stones into the surrounding sand.

Should start thinking about optimizations to the whole procedure of blending roads; right now, I am calling blur routines a lot, and combined with the noise generators to start with I am looking at a pretty significant generation time. Gotta see if I can cut it down a bit, to a more manageable level.

For now, though, it's bedtime...
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Should start thinking about optimizations to the whole procedure of blending roads; right now, I am calling blur routines a lot, and combined with the noise generators to start with I am looking at a pretty significant generation time. Gotta see if I can cut it down a bit, to a more manageable level.

Bit of guess work here... but your previous posts on how roads were constructed ended up with a mask-image that was mostly black but with a grey/white "line" where the path should be.

Maybe you can take advantage of the fact that the solid-colour areas won't change with blurring, and find some way of isolating just the roads? some sort of grid system and/or edge filter might well do the trick.

All based on the principle of not doing any work where you know it won't have any effect [smile]

June 20, 2005 02:55 AM
cool stuff!
June 20, 2005 03:38 AM
Rob Loach
Would it be possible to combine all the terrains you've shown so far?
June 20, 2005 08:58 AM
jollyjeffers: That's a good idea. I could hack together a blur function that takes a second buffer and uses it as a mask, so that only the elements in the destination buffer that have a mask value greater or lesser than a certain threshold (specifiable) are blurred. Then, simply rasterizing ones into the mask buffer where the roads pass would suffice to keep other areas from being blurred. Or, preferably, I could even use the road blend buffer for this mask, to keep from having to build a dedicated mask buffer. Muchas gracias for the prod in the right direction, mi amigo.

RobLoach: What do you mean? Something like this?

June 20, 2005 06:53 PM
Rob Loach
Good god that's amazing!
June 21, 2005 12:16 AM
Toxic Hippo
Mmmmm, me likes this.
June 21, 2005 08:39 AM
Wow, that's amazing [grin]

/me bows to v.n.'s skills
June 24, 2005 12:20 AM
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