Gold Rush

Published February 18, 2021

Large turn-based RPGs are great, but ain't nobody got time for that. So lately I've been working, off and on, on a much smaller project: an idle/incremental web game inspired by​ with quite a few additions and embellishments: hex based instead of square (of course), randomized map layouts, deeper tech tree, RPG-ish equipment system for buffing stats, and so on. It's still very much in progress, and I really only work on it here and there, having resigned myself to the fact that I just don't have much time for this hobby anymore.

Here is Gold Rush:

Science and Scavenging setup
Furnaces feeding a ScavengerBot through heat pipes.
The Brain can be socketed with processors to beef up stats.


The game is probably something like 50% complete as far as what I would like to add to it. I haven't implemented any store functionality, which is where you'll eventually be able to spend your collected Zandium currency. I also need to flesh out the random processor mods for the deeper technologies, and push the tech tree a bit deeper than it currently is.

As far as technology, the game is built on the RBFX engine (​ which is a fork of the Urho3D engine. Web build is WASM using Emscripten. I'm still pretty newish at web stuffs, so it's been interesting working out the web-related bugs. I think it's pretty stable now, but there is an occasional UI scaling bug that happens and I'm not 100% sure why.


Anyway, that's what I've been working on.

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