Deserts and stuff

Published June 18, 2005
Getting tired of looking at the same old terrain textures, so tonight in a fit of boredom I started work on a new set for rugged, sandy and rocky desert. Got 3 base types right now for the set, still need to do some tweaking and editing. Should probably provide a scraggly grass base type to add a little life to the ground cover; right now, it's pretty sere.

I've got some saguaro and barrel cactus models, as well as one or to ocotillos, that I created for the original Golem; I should import them in, re-texture them to suit and use them as static geometry to add a little more life to the desert. Needs some bushes as well; might try my hand at modelling some mesquite or juniper clumps in fairly low-poly. I need the practice.
Next Entry :P
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! Still no demo though :(
June 19, 2005 12:31 AM
I know!
June 19, 2005 01:15 AM
Did you make those desert/rock base-textures yourself, or get them from one of the various 'Texture Packs' on the net?

Looking great, as usual, either way [smile]

Oh, and I 3rd the demo request!

June 19, 2005 06:05 AM
Rob Loach
Oh, and I 3rd the demo request!
4th, but we all know that works-in-progress are better kept at a screenshot basis...
June 19, 2005 09:20 AM
Did you make those desert/rock base-textures yourself, or get them from one of the various 'Texture Packs' on the net?

Made 'em myself from some photos of dirt and sand. Just a little editing and coloration with the Gimp, nothing too difficult.
June 19, 2005 11:07 AM
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