Happy day after Labor Day! I missed posting this in August by a few days, oops. Anyway, I just put a demo of Eschatown’s map on itch.io for others to check out: https://jhocking.itch.io/eschatown-map
The game itself will probably never be released, but the map generation was mostly complete. It was a lot of fun to develop, not to mention it shows off some proc-gen tricks.
For a full rundown on how I created that refer to this old blog post. tldr: I generated a mesh, using a Voronoi diagram and Poisson Disk sampling to calculate the vertices. I also randomly generated a quad over some cells, in order to embellish the map with images from Kenney’s cartography pack.
Oh, and I used an edge detection effect for highlighting regions when you mouseover them. Each region has some data associated with it (name and danger level) which is shown in the UI when you move the mouse. In this demo a new map is generated when you hit Space!
All in all a pretty clever process if I do say so myself, and maybe I’ll reuse this in a future project.