Hello Space Cadets,
This update is coming a bit late. Been very very busy.
December being the holidays things slowed down a tad but I’ve been focusing on greyboxing out the the last parts of the game.
What is greyboxing you might ask??? It’s the process of roughing out a level using basic shapes and often unfinished art. It’s really important for testing and allows quicker iteration. You also don’t risk wasting time prettying things up with art that you end up having to trash when your level turns out to be total cr@p.
Here’s a quick look at my process.
Designing it
First things first. A sketch made in Photoshop. I have a list of enemies of mechanics that’ll be on a particular planet, that helps me plan things out to keep a nice variety. You wouldn’t want 3 puzzle rooms in a row, right?
Here’s a couple rough level sketches.

Building it
Below is a greyboxed “room”. It’s not very pretty but it gets the job done!

Now Some Art
Here’s an NPC. She’s going on an adventure. Will you join her?

Some concept art for a planet.

That’s All Folks
Stay tuned for the next update. Coming soon!