Development begins on my next game - a murder mystery

Published January 06, 2021

I've recently had a resurgence in motivation to get back going on some 2D game development. This game will be called The Colon Case. It's a story-driven murder mystery with a slight film noir edge. You'll need to search for clues and interrogate potential suspects to solve a bizarre and intricate crime.

There will be several game modes:

  • World Map - Allows you to travel between the various areas of interest.
  • Area Map - Provides a top-down view of the area. Move your character, investigate potential clues, and talk to witnesses or suspects.
  • Journal - Keeps track of evidence, conversations, and notes on characters.

Like my last game, Garden of Eating, I'll be writing this in C++ using the wonderful SFML framework.

This will also be my first foray with the Tiled map editor. I put up a quick Youtube video detailing my first impressions of Tiled. I think it's safe to say this will be an integral utility in being able to build the maps for The Colon Case quickly and confidently!

Here's to hoping I can stay focused long enough to see this through! ?

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