Good evening everyone!
In today's DevBlog, we’ll talk a bit about the promised inventory and how it works.
Shop Mechanic
When we thought about the inventory, we wanted to make a traditional store, where in some corner of the screen there will be a panel with towers that you can buy.However, this idea seemed a little boring to us and we decided to experiment. As a result, we came to an inventory in the style of Battlechess(Dota Underlords, for example). If you haven’t played Battlechess, here’s a brief description of how it works. There is a screenshot with a simple prototype UI. At the top you can see the store where you will purchase towers, below - the inventory where the towers that you already have are stored. If we look this in more detail, we get the following

- With each new round and when you press the refresh button (which is not here. Pressing it costs gold), all the store’s panels are filled with random towers
- When you clamp (perhaps later change) the panels for some time, you buy a tower and it is added down to the inventory, the panel itself remains empty.
- With a single click on the panel on the left side, another panel will appear with a brief description of the tower (we will talk about the characteristics of the tower a little later)
- To put a tower on a map, you will need to drag it to its place on the map from the inventory, a single click on the tower in the inventory also calls up the information panel on the left.

Each tower has its own price and alliance. The mechanics of alliances have not yet been completely done, but in short, the game has 4 alliances (the number may change), where each alliance has a different set of units and attributes for towers
Future devblogs:
We still have a lot of work to do. We need to add new units to the game (there are very few at the moment), make VFX(Unit Attacks, Spells and etc), breathe life into the map and make it more interesting and etc.