Doomish - Done

posted in DavinCreed
Published October 10, 2019

Challenge: complete! It's basically a complete game, even though it's short. Normally I make the levels way too difficult and I have to tone them down, but this time I think they ended up about right. They aren't very difficult, just about right for the first three levels of a game.

My project went mostly according to plan. I had planned to be done in six weeks, but it took me seven. Part of that was getting used to the level building tools. Part of that was forgetting to add in some things that would have made the game not work. Another part was down to balancing the mobs. Thankfully there was only one minor packaging error that took about five minutes to clear up. The last challenge I did baking the project was almost catastrophic. I had to roll back to a previous version.


There are only three levels in the game, and one is a rip off from the first level of classic Doom. Turns out I need to work more on my own level building skills, because I can tell that there is a big difference in quality of design between the Doom level and my other two. It was a good learning experience for me.


Well, it's done and here it is:


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I'll give it a go this weekend and post back! :) 

October 10, 2019 06:04 AM
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