Doomish - Almost Done... Except Fer Them Levels

posted in DavinCreed
Published September 24, 2019

I planned on making only two songs for the game, but I ended up making three... but I'm only going to use two for the challenge. Here's a link to the playlist:

Then I spend some time making a bunch of sounds and also using sounds I've purchased and/or gathered from free sources over the years. And then I added the sounds into the game... well mostly. I also added in the menus and title screen and the map screen I wanted.

I do have to do better for some of the SFX, but I wasn't near my other computer or my backups and I didn't want to download gigs of sounds files to go through them... but I will eventually get around to it if I have time, which I think I will. Some of the sounds I'm actually happy with, and some are alright.

There are a few sounds left to do, the key doors, and then two more levels to design and then create, fix some bugs, and then the game will be ready to go. I'm very hopeful that I have enough time, I'm going to try to finish as early as I can this time. It's been a fun challenge.

Previous Entry Doomish - About 70% Done
Next Entry Doomish - Done
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Wow! :)  

September 24, 2019 06:59 AM

Looks great!

September 24, 2019 08:52 PM
Adrian HS

Your almost done and im halfway of my proyect, good work!! 

October 04, 2019 02:17 PM


I'm partway through making the third (and last) level now. Then I should have time to fix a few of the remaining bugs.

October 04, 2019 02:22 PM

Things that go boom make me smile :D Masterful. You can really feel menu with DownTime. WithCaution really seems to keep it going. DeathMarch I felt transition. Toggles really well with the others. Impressive. 

October 04, 2019 02:28 PM
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