Weekly Updates #60 - UI Refactored

Published September 07, 2019

Hey hello there! This week's Weekly Update is kinda small... One of my relative who is just starting college in CS wanted to make a somehow "official" discord server for his college. He needed a bit of help setting up an identity validation system through bots and decided to give him a hand.

Thus I didn't have the time to fully work on the game. I did manage, however, to complete my UI refactoring. I've also managed to optimize some code a bit.

The good news is that now that the bot is relatively stable next week will be a bit more substantial.

I'm sorry if this update disappoints but it's within my nature to help others. 

So to recap there's not a whole lot of new impactful changes. Most of them are under the hood.

And as for next week, I'm planning on doing the same thing I've planned to previously do.

So see you next week!

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