Weekly Updates #61 - Unity is acting up again

Published September 14, 2019

Hello there. Welcome to this week's Weekly Updates. So I was at a standstill for most of the week codewise... I recently discovered that a critical bug has been introduced in the latest version of Unity. No more values are transmitted during UnityEvents. This means that all scripts using the UnityEvent class no longer work.

So I had to leave Unity closed until the bugfix goes into production. This means not a whole lot of stuff going on...

So I used this time to brainstorm. I created a list of headwear and decided to add various types of attacks.  We can then add various bonuses for particular types of weapons.

For example, sword do slash damage while the racket does blunt damage. 

And that's about what I can say right now. This is really a bummer that Unity broke. I guess that's what I get for being a bleeding-edge fanatic...

So that's about it. I'm still planning to get back to work as soon as Unity get their bugfix up. I'm planning to, if Unity stops being broken, focus on enemies next. Now that the UI is fully refactored that the next step on my checklist.

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