Dungeon Crawler - Stats and Injuries

posted in DavinCreed
Published January 28, 2019

Took me a lot longer than I wanted, but I converted the stats system from my JS prototype into UE4 blueprints. Why BP and not C++? I'm not really sure why, but that's how I did it.


Looks very noisy. I'm not that great at making BPs easily readable and looking good yet, but I think I'm getting there. I think.

I also added in the injuries, right now they just apply on some hotkeys without any modifications. It's better to see it in action though so I recorded a video.

The music is just something I had laying around from another game I worked on. I'll need to make a track or two that matches this game's feel some time.

My current plan is to finish the system by adding in treatments. Once that is up and going, I think I'll work on getting the rat mob in there. Then I'll start getting the system to affect the character. Not sure what I'll tackle after that. The major elements I have left to do is, all the mobs, the items/inventory/equipment, sound effects, music, and the dungeon generation.

I suppose all the UI elements too, but I don't think I'll have time to do anything fancy, so I'm going to just put in some place holders. I suppose it's all really place holders right now, but maybe you know what I mean.

I made a few item graphics too.


The chest is actually two frames, one closed and then other open. If you can't tell what they are, I'll have to work on them, but they are a club, sword, dagger, cloth armor, leather armor, chain mail, plate mail, a potion, a scroll, a bandage (not toilette paper), thread, and treasure.

So I'm a little behind where I thought I would be, but I still think I can get it done in time,

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Next Entry Dungeon Crawler
7 likes 7 comments



Looking good! Keep up the great work! :) 

January 28, 2019 03:31 PM

Thank you. I'm hoping I can finish in time.

January 28, 2019 04:25 PM

I once spent a couple days down in a cave. I assure you, toilet paper is a vital piece of dungeoneering equipment.

January 29, 2019 04:32 AM
58 minutes ago, JTippetts said:

I once spent a couple days down in a cave. I assure you, toilet paper is a vital piece of dungeoneering equipment.

:D !! Haha

January 29, 2019 05:31 AM

true warriors don't use toilet paper!

January 29, 2019 12:44 PM

> You have slain the orc!

Loot orc

> You receive filthy, tattered burlap loincloth


> Ewwwww....

> You feel nauseous.

January 29, 2019 01:14 PM

Probably better to scoot on the ground than to use burlap.

January 29, 2019 05:07 PM
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