Earning and statistics from my 8 Games (Android + WebGL) + some thoughts

Published November 22, 2018

Hello, it’s time for statistics from my last game “Fisherman” (downloads and earnings), expect it, I will share data from my other games + total earnings + plays (online) + downloads from my 8 games (6 Android + WebGL, 2 only WebGL).

My game (fisherman) has been released for Android (Google Play, Amazon Store) + WebGL (Kongregate, Crazy Games). Fisherman is a clicker/idle game, your purpose is to earn the highest amount of cash + buy new upgrades (more about game here). Game has been downloaded 740x (698x Google Play, 42x Amazon Store). The Highest number of downloads (one day) is 434x. WebGL version (Online), got:
17000 (Kongregate) game plays
6000 (Crazy Games) game plays
Total 23000 game plays.

1*SeT7-YvKvja-zCzWwYK2yw.png Kongregate Data, daily new players

Installs image (Android):

1*_te0r8JbZL-wJEDNV-VHcQ.png Google Play Downloads 1*dyhuWwNkqkkEheDXEmBQtg.png Amazon Store Downloads 1*4vdzShwZzQUuZ196kPwlpQ.png Google Play users country

What about earnings?
$6,42 Unity Ads (reward video ads, only played when users want).
$2.55 ChartBoost (full screen ads, only visible, when player have enough high earnings + they got CD for 5–8 minutes, expect it if Unity Ads fail to show ad, this one will show reward ad). $2.55 from Google Play, $0 from Amazon Store.

Online (WebGL):
$32.53 Kongregate (played based on game plays + they quality).
€13.97 Crazy Games (based on game plays + they quality).

In total, it gives me:
~$57.41 (- taxes and -graphics costs and other cost, expect it there is fee for withdrawing cash + PayPal got weak exchange rate).

My game (this one and others), don’t got IAP. I expected these earnings, to be honest I never expected something (you know big cash, popularity, MMO RPG with millions of players), that’s why I’ve never been disappointed.

1*vR-lMihxguUQOQTuFq6fkQ.png It could be worse, game earnings

Check out my game:

Google Play

Amazon Store


And my social media:



(^ You won’t miss info about my new games + about new stats from future games)

OK, time for most interesting statistics:
Most amount of rates (Android) comes from Xiaomi Redmi Note 4. In terms of downloads, most popular phones are Redmi 4x and Redmi Note 4, expect it there is a lot of other Xiaomi Devices + a lot of Samsung smartphones. Total daily play time ( the best day) is 8.68M seconds (~100days), total daily play time per user (the best day) is 3.13k seconds. Expect it, in the best day, I had notice 38.53 shop button clicks (only one shop) and 11k transports (started).

Best Day = day with highest rate of installs

1*Lpgi6E5Eww9RcKuY5VY7Lw.png Android Rate (Google Play)

Oh, I had thought, that I will get a lot of 1 star rates (I got 2x crash bug):
1. I had updated Google Services, because older was working very bad, I got no errors, on my phone (Android 6), all was working fine, then after releasing game to Google Play, I got crashes on users with Android 6+.
2. I just released a very small upgrade, then my game crashes for users (Unity corrupted packaged game files, only Android).
Those crash didn’t affect rates, because I got very good users, they had reported me those bugs so fast + I fixed them in less than 24 hours (ussaly day of bug report = day of bug fix)

Time for some images:

1*F_qK7ovsxqJ7ANpnwaXaYA.png New Users, Data from Unity Analitycs 1*0LKppPc_bNNfWPx4LTeemw.png Monthly active users (Data from Unity Analitycs) 1*1Bo7CVoU9kVTh7QuUQuskg.png Country of my game users (Google Play data) 1*BnigMtmjdGpWJlpNUk1Zjg.png Android Versions of my users (Google Play)

Here are stats from my game before “Fisherman”, “Zarsthor”:
Game got downloaded 152x (111x Google Play + 41x Amazon Store). Expect it, it got 7k game plays (online. Earnings:
$0 Chartboost, $0 Unity ads, $8.73 Web Version (WebGL).

Ok, time for next bonus stats, after releasing zarsthor (my 5th game), I decided to release 2 small WebGL games (games for 2 players):

Throw, it was a simple game, to be honest IDK about what is it (I think we are throwing something), it has earned $10,4 (more than Zarsthor, let’s say Zarsthor was xxx time when throw was x time). It got also 12,162 game plays,

Fish Eat Fishes, my next simple game, this time it earned $47.77 earnings. Game got 29,577 game plays.

So my total earnings, are from all games (8 in total, 6 released for Web + Android, 2 only for Web):

Unity ads

$114.54 (withdraw from $300)

Crazy Games: (Great Website with online games)


In total = $625.78 (-$114 non Withdraw from Chartboost, -taxes, -graphics cost and others).

My Web (WebGL) game plays amount (total, from my all game)
Game plays:
Kongregate: 86,421
Crazy Games: 164,599
In total: ~251k game plays (only online versions).

My total downloads of my Android games is:
Google Play: 11643x
Amazon Store: 1943x
Total: ~13586
Expect it I got 2 from my 6 Android games on itch.io, today I had seen, that bomb rain got 6 downloads, tree tap 59 (on itch.io), but I had never linked to my itch.io, so today I had uploaded all my other games to it.
My Itch.io

Time for some social media data:
Facebook: 69 likes
Twitter: 50 observing people

And some strange bonus data from a Polish website (like Dig):
my tag is observed by 381 people, my list (like a e-mail newsletter, but on portal only) is subscribed by 123 people
Expect it, I got on that websites (total) 4166 “up votes” (let’s say it’s an up vote) and total 985 comments + 164.1k views. Expect it (on blog like, I mean it’s a website blog on polish website like dig, where all can post various things), I got total 6119 up votes ( the best post got 722 comments and 2715 up votes).

What about reedit?
I got 945 total up votes (counted up votes — down votes)
And total 441 comments.

Time for data from my other games (Downloads)

Fisherman: Google Play Amazon Store Online 
698 Google + 42 Amazon Store = 740 Downloads

Zarsthor: Google Play Amazon Store Online
111 Google + 41 Amazon store = 152 Downloads

Mirkowanie: Google Play Amazon Store Online
4118 Google + 49 Amazon Store = 4167 Downloads

Stickman: Google Play Amazon Store Online
549 Google + 533 Amazon Store = 1082 Downloads

Money Tree: Google Play Amazon Store Online
5013 Google + 970 Amazon Store = 5983 Downloads

Bomb Rain: Google Play Amazon Store 
1154 Google + 308 Amazon Store = 1462 Downloads

Expect it, you can check my games on Kongregate and itch.io (Android)

1*MZULTsn3NWJNNtL4r_Djlg.png New users for all games (Unity Analitycs)

My most earnings comes from “Fish eat Fishes”, “Tree Tap” and “Mirkowanie”. Like I said before, I never expected something (you know big cash, popularity, MMO RPG with millions of players), that’s why I’ve never been disappointed.

Future Plans:
When you are reading it, I’m answering tons of PM (thanks for each of them). Also, I’m leaving gamedev, to be honest it’s so hard work, and I got nothing from it. Joking, I plan to release some updates to my last game + I’m working on small web game (15% done), then I gotta move to my main project. It will be tycoon, special one, with unique theme, no one even released Tycoon with this theme. I don’t want to give details right now, I’m still planing it.

Thanks for support, thanks for each Pm, thanks for helping me with beta/alpha tests, also thanks for playing my games :-}

When I was making those games, I had learned a lot, and it’s still start for me. I mean, my first game was some random thing, just idk what I was making, I just was making something, no plans, idea. No marketing (only marketing was in day of release). “Releasing Games” is just a start of work, updating game, responding to players, marketing game is a next ton of work.

Got any questions? Feel free to ask them :-}

  • I had complete gathering those data at 5AM, total earnings and earnings from games may be other (just not all data is fetched + some old data is not visible).
    ** I’m not expert, I’m still newbie in gamedev (just a 20 old guy, who one day started making games). Threat this post as a share of curiosity, it’s not a professional data collection.

Check out my game:

Google Play

Amazon Store


And my social media:



Also, here is more detail statistics from some of my other games:


Stickman RPG

Tree Tap

Bomb Rain Data

8 likes 4 comments



Great post with some real useful stats. Really brings home how difficult it is to make a living from games. 

November 22, 2018 11:11 AM

Awesome, thanks for sharing all that data.  Really nice to see ACTUAL numbers for this kind of thing. ;)

November 23, 2018 09:14 PM
13 minutes ago, Septopus said:

Awesome, thanks for sharing all that data.  Really nice to see ACTUAL numbers for this kind of thing. ;)

Thanks, In future I will post update about Fisherman stats + I will post data from my 1 small web game (Still in making, simple one) + I got plans for Tycoon game (Simple, I think I will sell it for 1$ or less, theme is unique one, it would be hard for Tycoon game to put Ads, I mean reward ads, not sure if any1 will buy it). When I will finish them, I will post data/statistics from them too (as one post, main theme will be Tycoon, other as addon) :-}

+ I got plans for a lot more games, I will post data from them.

On 11/22/2018 at 11:11 AM, lawnjelly said:

Great post with some real useful stats. Really brings home how difficult it is to make a living from games. 

Thanks, Yes, I'm glad I'm only 20, Still a lot of time to make something good. Now raising with experience, and one day I will attack with something good.

November 23, 2018 09:29 PM

You've got the right mindset about it, and you've obviously got the work ethic, you'll achieve whatever it is you put your mind to of that I'm certain. ;)

November 23, 2018 09:36 PM
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