Hello, at first I would like to say I’m a newbie, this data is just my personal data from my games, it’s not a study of a market or something like that.
Before I was releasing games only on Android, but just like 1–1.5 month ago I had released my last game “Fisherman” on IOS. To be honest I Was read…

My game (fisherman) has been released for Android (Google Play,…

Hello, it's time for statistics and earnings from my 4th Android/WebGL Game, "Mirkowanie" is idle clicker, it's mostly a special game, because it was made for Polish website community (but not only players from Poland play it), it's specific, so I was not looking into a lot of players + earnings (…

Hello, month ago I had released my 3rd Android/WebGL game, it’s a simple Clicker. I wanted to experiment with clicking mechanic, add some RPG elements. I didn’t know if I should release statistics from this game (they are really small). But in past I had said, that I will release statistics from m…

Hello all, 1 month ago I had released my 2nd game on Android and WebGL. It’s a simple clicker/idle game, in which we gather funds and we buy upgrades, from time to time, we make decisions. I must say, that creating this game, was very fun.
„Tree Tap – Money Idle Clicker” Was downloaded by 539 use…

2D: free/paid
Very great support, expect it cheap price (we can buy alot of things under 1$, one time bought sprites can be used multiple times in comercial use) - For me it's a very great site, it get like everyday new assets.
2D/3D/Sounds: …

Hello all, a month ago i had release my first Android Game, now i would like to share downloads/earn and other statistic:
Game got downloaded ~200x, here are Country/Android Statistic:
[Charts and Statistic]: http://imgur.com/a/1w3IU
Here how look download in Amazon Store vs Google Play:
Game got downl…