Hello, it's time for statistics and earnings from my 4th Android/WebGL Game, "Mirkowanie" is idle clicker, it's mostly a special game, because it was made for Polish website community (but not only players from Poland play it), it's specific, so I was not looking into a lot of players + earnings (Poland got very low earnings from ads) I'm just 19 year old newbie, I couldn't sleep, I had weak up at 3-4AM and I started to develop "Mirkowanie". It was fun to develop it ;p Just a lot of work in analyzing data (imagine checking website data from 2005-2018 year). Here are statistics:
Game got downloaded 3451x (19x Amazon Store and 3432x Google Play), Amazon Store is that low, because downloads was mostly from Poland. Game got 26k game plays (online). Top download (one day) was 1900x times, I got 500x testers in one day.
Kongregate (new players)
Unity Analitycs (new players)
MAU (Unity analitycs);
$36.82 (Unity Ads, video ads, can't withdraw it).
$29.62 (Kongregate, we got payed from game plays, can withdraw it ).
$17.56 Chartboost (ads that are shown in-game, sometimes video ads (if Unity ads fail), can't withdraw it ).
So my pure "earning" is $29.62 (can withdraw it). So was not worth it, but that's not problem, my games also don't got IAPs + most of the players was from Poland (low cash from ads), but it was still fun to develop it, I mean it was crazy idea ;p
I mean from one side I got 1900x downloads in one day, it's big number from me, but to be honest, for gamedev business it's nothing, but wait, for me it's still 1900x players (my first game got 600x Downloads in ~1 year). Also, fun fact, I was top1 new Free casual game in Poland. Also, ~25% downloads comes from Xiaomi devices.
So in last week i got 14.3k sessions, max time spend in-game (one day, max, total ) was 13.85M seconds (~160 days). It's 80 minutes for each user, average 2.5 session per user.
Some other stats:
Most used phones:
Most used android versions:
Game name is Mirkowanie - Ilde Money Clicker
Also, if any1 wish to check out my other earnings/statistics from other games, there are all on Reddit + I always post them on my Twitter/Facebook (same as my name on Reddit).
Also, right now I'm working on space shooter with own story, we get new ships, buy upgrades, we got side and main quests and a lot more. It got story made by me + Original sounds, that's some nice music (not from game), but made by the same person:
Images from the game are also on images with statistics.
Check out game + observe me :-}
Online Firefox play only, use text save, Chrome got bug, reported it to browser, still waiting for fix, that same other browsers on Blink engine (not all))
And my new game (W.I.P):
Love the attitude that you're enjoying breaking new ground with new record players, even if the earnings aren't as much as you might have liked.
Also very cool that you're willing to put all your data out there for everyone to see.