Largest Fireworks Display World Record 2014

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published December 27, 2013
I need to apologize to the community for not being able to keep up with my usual Weekend Reading reports like I promised I would do before leaving at the end of last month. I don't use my laptop much, so I had forgotten that I really needed to buy a new one. I'm literally typing faster than the words are appearing on my screen and I'm a hunt and peck typer. It's pretty sad. Slow laptop, slow internet (slower because slow laptop) and not much free time off from work and exploring Dubai have left me just enough to keep tabs on the forums, journals (for new features), support emails and articles.

That out of the way, if you'd like to see why I have little free time on my hands, you can check out Dubai World Record 2014. My personal blog also has details.

I'm starting to want to toss this fucking computer off of my hotel balcony so that's all for now. Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year! May it bring you a better laptop! :D

December 27, 2013 07:48 PM

with my New Years paycheck from this show you bet it will...

December 28, 2013 02:26 PM
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