Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 7/12 - 7/19
Stop by and check out new Journal Land authors canochaba, Prot, yahiko00 and Arhim!
Project Updates
- Once a Bird - Demosthenes shares a favorable and praising review of his latest iOS project Fold
- OddGames development journal - O-san has been working on a scaling factor for his GUI to make things readable/usable at varying resolutions. He has some images of the results
- Somewhere in space - AaronWizardstar has put down a good deal of notes on his game's background and setting
- Fran Bow, a point & click adventure - bladderbloat has posted the second video blog, with more on the PR efforts and also some Q&A and how they're campaign is going
- Making a Terrain Generator - TheChubu has finally gotten his terrain generation of rivers working to the point where he has some 3D renders to show off, although more work is still needed
- Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D has the latest progress update, including shots of his model tool under development
- The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ started off the week with some big leaps towards his goal of getting his Epoch language working with a self-hosted compiler. He ended the week with success
- Lotuz - Life with indie games - Arthur Souza has put up a second release of his 48hr soccer simulator project Brazuca
- DMD 'Ware - polyfrag has made some new editor features and shows off buildings doors added with a brush
- Beals Software - Programmer16 and his teammate both have video updates on the project's overall progress and a look at the current prototype
Game Dev Stuffs- Fran Bow, a point & click adventure - bladderbloat talks about the difficulty of handling PR for your game by yourself when you should be working on it
- Leadwerks Developer Blog - Josh Klint details the stretch goals for the Leadwerks on Linux kickstarter campaign
- Fran Bow, a point & click adventure - bladderbloat talks about the difficulty of handling PR for your game by yourself when you should be working on it