Welcome new Journal Land authors Wild Rose and Marc Mencher!
Project Updates
- Project NN - RetroIP dives into some of the architecture and objects behind his world simulation
- SpeedRun's Journal - SpeedRun has a postmortem on MPong, which he has decided to lay aside in favor of a new project
- OddGames development journal - O-san is working on new graphics now that his Cintiq is up and running, and he shows off houses with multiple floors and talk about how this addition revealed problems with his pathfinding
- RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus highlights the little things in life - like some good-looking grass being rendered in RuinValor
- Walking Towards The Sun - freeworld has more info on the rougelike project he announced last week
- Electronic Meteor - CC Ricers shows off images of his engine's forward renderer in action, comparing shots with the deferred renderer
- Ramblings of a partialy sane programmer - blewisjr talks about deciding to get into embedded development through micro controllers to help improve his development skills and has a more recent entry that details getting a Hello World up and running on a PIC Micro Controller
- /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts has a number of cool posts this past week and I gave up trying to figure out which one to highlight. Just visit the journal and check em out for some more pretty visuals of Goblinson Crusoe and discussion of character movement, cameras and future design
- Gnoblins - Development journal of an indie game - Ashaman73 has announced the release of the Gnoblins alpha demo - go get it!
Game Dev Stuffs- Retro Grade - superman3275 puts forth the idea of coding up your math homework as a way to improve your coding skills
- Beals Software - Programmer16 gives us a look at the Scribe 1.0 C#-based scripting language with "BASIC-esque" syntax he has developed, with plans to open-source
Other Stuffs- Gaiiden's Scroll - Gaiiden talks about how 3rd party development for Microsoft Flight Simulator has satisfied his game dev itch for the past 3 years and counting, and has a timelapse video of an airport being developed for FSX
- Gaiiden's Scroll - Gaiiden talks about how 3rd party development for Microsoft Flight Simulator has satisfied his game dev itch for the past 3 years and counting, and has a timelapse video of an airport being developed for FSX
- Retro Grade - superman3275 puts forth the idea of coding up your math homework as a way to improve your coding skills
thanks for the kind words! keep these up!