Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published October 14, 2012
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 10/8 - 10/14

Welcome new Journal Land authors hwood3 and mi-imi!

Project Updates

  • Black-Rook's Journal logo+%20bullet.png - Black-Rook shows off video of the inventory system in action
  • Beals Software logo+%20bullet.png - Programmer16 has a new demo version for The Mysterious Life of Aaron James available for download and has also decided to do episodic releases, making this one the prequel
  • Archer Alec Devlog - HabitueGames is looking for alpha testers for Archer Alec
  • Chronicles of the Hieroglyph logo+%20bullet.png - Jason Z talks about D3D11 dynamic buffer templates for his Hieroglyph 3 engine. Congrats also on his continued DirectX MVP status!
  • uwi2k2 - Part Time Game Dev - uwi2k2 has some new images of Elephant Gay League switched over to running on iPhone with OpenGL ES
  • Corporation-States - polyfrag has a video of selecting various planets for building cities upon
  • et1337 makes games - et1337 talks voxel performance improvements, a new monster and how he created the updated skybox textures for Lemma
  • Journal of mikeman - mikeman has a new gameplay video up for Windchasers
  • RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has some new untextured model work to show off for RuinValor
  • Lotus - Indie Rpg Engine - Arthur Souza has a video of a dungeon crawler prototype to test out his Lotus engine
  • Overview Journal - Numenor seems to be outlining the history behind his RPG concept - but the real cool part is apparently he personally knew Gary Gygax
  • Severin's Journal - Severin has a new video of Ruins as well as a link to the latest version
  • Gnoblins - Development journal of an indie game - Ashaman73 shares the latest renders of the new rat creature for Gnoblins

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • New Old Things - Endurion is still trucking along on his quest to build a Commodore64 game, now at Step 72. Follow along and implement with him to learn how to program like an old-school game developer
    • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts isn't the only one here in Journal Land who has had to think hard about how to do saves for his game. This is what he has to say on being able to save at anytime during play
    • Just Let It Trickle - adeyblue discusses the benefits of the [font=courier new,courier,monospace]CreateConsoleScreenBuffer[/font] function

      Thanks for stopping by, Bluefirehawk, Lee Stripp
5 likes 3 comments


Thank you for posting this. Great to see your team helping getting our blogs out, and let us catch anything we might have missed!
October 15, 2012 03:47 PM
Thanks a lot for the feature! We still have spots open for alpha testers! :)
October 15, 2012 05:32 PM
Keep up the great entries everyone...
October 20, 2012 10:51 PM
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