Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 14, 2012
Early week today since I will be attending the Escapist Expo starting tomorrow.

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 9/7 - 9/13

Project Updates

  • polyfrag - polyfrag has a new build available for his 3D city builder Corporation States
  • RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has two new images showing off the new tool to control sky conditions and the arrow weapon type for RuinValor
  • Journal of mikeman - mikeman has a new video and updated information on the status of his 3D racer Windchasers
  • WorldAlpha.com DevBlog - worldalpha announces their new lead artist and reveals more game econmoy information
  • Lotus - A XNA Action RPG - Arthur Souza teases upcoming concept art for Lotus, and also shows some shots of game tools
  • Sparked Studios Games - Matthewj234 updates on level editor progress and shares code he's working up for his tool framework
  • The Long Road of Simulation - omercan teases as well, linking to his YouTube channel that may soon host a gameplay video
  • Portas Aurora: Arrival Development - Navyman has a new image of the game's GUI

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • New Old Things - Endurion has ended a Game Over sequence to the Commodore64 game he's building a piece at a time and sharing with the community
    • SIC Games' Journal logo+%20bullet.png - SIC Games has an introspective moment on his role as an indie developer
    • Merry Prankster Games - gdunbar reminds us all that promoting your game is a lot of work. Yes, it is.

      Other Stuffs

      • et1337 makes games - et1337 returns after a hiatus with a lot to catch up on, with some interesting links on a variety of stuff he's picked up the last couple of months

        Thanks for stopping by, evolutional, JTippetts (see you after Torchlight 2 releases your soul)
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