Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 08, 2012
Thanks to all who participated in the poll this past week. Can't see who voted though.

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 8/31 - 9/7

Greetings to new Journal Land authors RetroIP, codingnoobie, Radikalizm and wg/funstorm!

Project Updates

  • RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has the full To Do list for RuinValor posted with currently-implemented items checked off and looking for feedback or suggestions on items still to be done
  • uwi2k2 - Part Time Game Dev - uwi2k2 has a look at the first 3D model render for his game Elefant Gay League
  • CodeImp Game Developments - klapstoelpiloot has his monthly update on the progress of Yas, with a recap of the work done over the past month, new images and a new tech video
  • Beals Software logo+%20bullet.png - Programmer16 has sketched out concepts for the scenes that will take place in the Project Warehouse demo
  • lwm's Roa Journal - lwm has new development images for Roa, his 3d top-down action-rpg (with a focus on stealth and subtlety) as well as a brief discussion of the AI implementation and reference he used
  • Sparked Studios Games - Matthewj234 lays down thoughts and requirements for his engine's level editor, which will power his Rouge-like project Beyond The Light
  • WorldAlpha.com DevBlog - worldalpha updates on a new version of the sniper mini game, the large response to their artist job posting, beta progress and upcoming completion of the game's economy
  • Amateuriffic - Khaiy has put down additonal thoughts and gameplay ideas for his project's prototype
  • Merry Prankster Games - gdunbar has released the beta version of 10 Fantasy Fights for download
  • Fuzzlr - hammon gives a detailed look into what his task management and incentive app Fuzzlr is and isn't, how it will reward you, how you can challenge other users, and more
  • Journal of Lee Stripp - Lee Stripp has been busy this week mainly on vortxGE rendering features and iPad/iPhone compatibility
  • Portas Aurora: Arrival Development - Navyman has a new trailer video for Orange Chair Software's project Portas Aurora: Arrival

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Jonathan's Journal - EngineProgrammer invites you to follow along as he creates his game engine

      Other Stuffs
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