Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published August 05, 2012
Traveling a lot this month, so Journal Land updates will continue to be a bit sporadic at the end of the week.

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 7/22 - 8/5

Greetings to new Journal Land authors Epic Zombie, Stormynaturelogo+%20bullet.png, riuthamus, Aressera, SIC Gameslogo+%20bullet.png, lwm, Bluefirehawk, uwi2k2, Severin, Urled and Reloque!

From The Staff

  • ChinaJoy CGDC 2012 - Gaiiden has started posting up session coverage from the China GDC last week in Shanghai and already has the full photo gallery available for browsing, including images from the ChinaJoy gaming expo

    Project Updates


    • Black-Rook's Journal logo+%20bullet.png - Black-Rook is back with a new video showing off the progress made to his classic RPG project
    • CodeImp Game Developments - klapstoelpiloot's monthly development update arrives with some concept and character art as well as technical details behind the reason they needed to adjust their 64-bit floating point game timer to work with DirectX
    • Corporation-States - polyfrag details some redesign work on his project along with a video look at a new underground veiw and explaining the trouble he'll be having with sloped tiles
    • 2D Game Making, the Easy Way - BeerNutts has a quick update with screenshots to his latest project Attack and Defend
    • Coding In Transit - Dancin_Fool has a write up of his 2-week sprint getting some UI going in his project
    • OddGames development journal logo+%20bullet.png - O-san's been busy getting his save mechanism working right (it's tricky) but pops in for a quick update and new screenshot
    • Archer Alec Devlog - HabitueGames has two new Archer Alec updates, both featuring videos showing off a new animation engine and several new monsters
    • SpaceBeam development - peous has a new video and screenshots of SpaceBeam showing off the recently-added ability to add fixed objects to the level to create more of a landscape to navigate through
    • Ashnor's dev journal - ashdev has a trailer for their mobile game Cakenana, along with a look at all the versions it's been through since it was originally prototyped
    • Journal of the Burning Hand - Burning Hand has a backstory in place for the aliens that occupy his game world's galaxy

      Game Dev Stuffs

      • D Bits logo+%20bullet.png - Aldacron continues his series on binding D to C with part four, which wraps up the discussion of type translation with a look at structs.
      • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts has been playing around with Blender and developed a way to render out some really nice-looking forest landscapes. He's written down the process extensively in order to share it but primarily so he himself doesn't forget it!
      • New Old Things - Endurion continues adding new features to his Commodore64 game tutorial - the last two steps increase the area of effect for the detrimental goo on one of the levels and also adds a new Get Ready screen
      • #ifdef TRAPPER_ZOID - Trapper Zoid shares his initial thoughts on Allegro 5. What do you think?
      • 2D Game Making, the Easy Way - BeerNutts uncovers a lighting library, Light There Be Light, for use with SFML
      • J of K - jbadams has a new look on why you shouldn't use Dev-C++, but concedes the viability of two updated versions of Dev-C++: wxDev-C++ and Orwell Dev-C++
      • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ helps you to answer the question: What {programming language | API | toolkit | operating system | etc. } should I use?
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