Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published April 23, 2012
I'm really having more trouble than I would like getting this out at a reasonable time on Sunday evenings. Is anyone really annoyed at this? Should I switch back to Fridays? Ooh I know - a poll!! To remind anyone - the reason I switched to Sundays was to give people the time to work and post over the weekend so it wouldn't be a week before their posts were highlighted here. Comment in the comments too, if you wish

Anyhow, here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 4/16 - 4/22

Featured Journal Entry

Chronicles of the Hieroglyph logo+%20bullet.png - Jason Z starts taking us through the process of converting his Hieroglyph 3 engine for use with Metro apps. To do this he's had to change his environment over to Windows 8 Consumer Preview and Visual Studio 11 Beta. He details the various issues that arose during this first part of the transition as he comes up against changes to various aspects of the Windows, DirectX and Visual Studio platforms.

Welcome new Journal Land author anchor (who has a pretty rad-looking Kickstarter project in need of funding)

Project Updates

  • Ya2's Journal - fla shares the first gameplay video for his team's project Plith, a puzzle game for Windows, OSX and Linux
  • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ tells you all to hold on to your butts, the latest release of his programming language Epoch is near at hand
  • Mobile RPG - smo97 has two new screens showing off skeleton enemies and game items
  • kseh's blog - kseh has a new build up for his Egg Hunt game project as well as a report from having his 5 year old nephew play test the game
  • omnomnom's RPG journal - omnomnom has a gameplay vidieo from the prototype for his project along with a list of features describing the game. In a later post he begins to flesh out the pre-generated maps that will make up the game world when the player first starts
  • Life at Demergo Studios - toddbluhm and team give us a behind the scenes look at the creation of the launch trailer for their new game project function.repair, which they announced earlier in the week.
  • OMG NUB! logo+%20bullet.png - Tape_Worm explains the changes that have been made to Gorgon's font rendering and also posts notice that you will now need VS2010 in order to compile the Gorgon source
  • r1ckparker's Journal - r1ckparker also converted one of his project's gameplay videos over to 3D on YouTube
  • Melting Cube - cgpIce has completed the company website and is looking for any feedback on the design/layout

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • SpeedRun's Journal - SpeedRun has another tutorial, this one covering DirectX initialization.
    • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ thought that he could successfully extrapolate test results to a larger-scale and found that this was not the case. He explains why you should always test under actual conditions instead of, say, an average scenario.
    • Shawn Hargreaves' Blog logo+%20bullet.png - Shawn Hargreaves has posted a link to his reusable, reflection based command-line parser along with a code example of how to use it
    • Melting Cube - cgpIce is looking for information on starting up a company. Anyone with experience/knowledge drop him a comment!

      Thanks for stopping by Black-Rooklogo+%20bullet.png, Programmer16
4 likes 5 comments


Pfft, no it should not. I'm already having enough trouble getting my entries in before Sunday night :P
Seriously though, I honestly think that Mondays would be better, but it really doesn't matter to me which day it falls on. Whichever day works best for you, I just appreciate your effort!
April 23, 2012 05:00 AM
April 23, 2012 07:34 AM
I third that
April 23, 2012 12:06 PM
Servant of the Lord
Whichever day it is is fine, as long as it's consistent. I personally prefer the Sunday update schedule (as a reader and as a journaller) and don't mind if it's a a day or even two late. I'm fine with Mondays also, but I will adapt to whatever is most convenient for you.
April 23, 2012 04:54 PM
I've decided to switch back to Fridays - also the poll is in favor of Fridays. I feel like I've been more consistent on Fridays than on Sundays. The main problem with Sundays for me is that I look ahead to Monday and just want to postpone dealing with any work after lazing about on Sat and most of Sun :P
May 01, 2012 01:28 AM
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