Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published August 20, 2011
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 8/12 - 8/19

Featured GDNet+ logo+%20bullet.png Journal Entry

et1337 makes games - et1337 has an update to Parkour Ninja, which has seen a few changes including a first-person camera, deferred rendering, and has adopted a new physics engine called BEPU physics, which et1337says has "unbelievable support". Video of the latest build included

Featured Member Journal Entry

japro's journal - japro has a tutorial on C++ vector types and how to implement them as classes based on several custom ones he has made over the years

New Journal Land scribes this week: Wrathnut, SuperMaximo93, vodku and tomdeal!

Project Updates

  • coldacid.dev.journal - coldacid has a shot of his latest project showing off the procedural generation of the game... although he's having a bit of trouble getting the results he wants
  • Journal of Lee Stripp logo+%20bullet.png - mixmaster has an update on VortX GE, most notably its support for Blender scripts but he also lists some minor changes/additions as well
  • OddGames development journal logo+%20bullet.png - O-san has a shot of the character inventory/equip screen and talks about how he is planning to bake the final character sprite in game so the character can hold various weapons and they display properly given the view angle (a sword may be behind the player one way but not facing the other way)
  • The Realm of Trial logo+%20bullet.png - DecipherOne has a postmortem of his game that was built recently during the Meaningful Gameplay Jam
    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Excursions into the Unknown logo+%20bullet.png - Mike.Popoloski has his new blog set up. We're sad it's no longer here (although with his GDNet+ membership he can hook up RSS to auto-post entries from there to here) but if you wanna check out his latest game dev musings head on over
    • Betable's Journal - TylerBetable comments on a Forbes.com interview that goes into how Zynga uses behavioral psychology to design their games and make them more enticing and addicting to players. TylerBetable agrees with this analysis and explains why.
    • New Old Things - Endurion's latest progress on his Commodore 64 project adds animation and path-based movement for enemies
    • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts has moved on to part 5 as he continues to work out how to build an isometric game in Horde3D.
      Other Stuffs

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