Overall progress for the Loradon 3.0 Preview has reached 83%!
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
I have decided to combine the renderer and graphics core, since there was not much point in keeping them separate. Using a renderer should make the game run faster, since the vertices will no longer need to be recalculated every frame.
The new user input event system is difficult to manage, so I am going to make some changes to it. The user interface will now register a single input event handler rather than a handler for each event. The user interface will then register events to that event handler. When one or more of the registered events are triggered, the triggered events are packaged together and sent to the event handler. The event handler will then sort them out and... Handle them, heh.
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
The brazier has been finished.
In order to prevent spoiling too much, there won't be an artist's easel after the bank is finished, unless I am working on concept art or another big background image. In order to make this section last, I'll be working on other parts of the town along with the bank (however, I'll only show the bank's progress).
Part #3

Drawn with:
MS Paint
Community Spotlight
Written by pifreak
There was a burst of activity in Stick Adventures Online this week, with as many as 13 people online at once! It was pretty fun to compete for the Itsy Bitsy training spot. Miotatsu and I battled for a while but eventually made a truce to share the training spot. InvaderKED has reached level 43, which is pretty cool as well. It is always good to see an active community and some new members.
I have tried the Loradon Legends (working title) demo and it is fairly impressive. It is sort of a one player version of Loradon 2.1 since the graphics are the same and maps are almost identical. The art and maps were originally made by IfThen Software LLC, used with permission by Giygas. We hope it will turn out to be a fun way to remember Loradon, and give us something to do while we wait for the release of Loradon 3.0!