Hindering Movement is Finished
The biggest news I have today is that the "hindering movement" mechanic is finally finished! Here is an animated gif of it in action:

With this mechanic, you can approach another character, grab on to them, and then prevent them from moving away quickly. After grabbing the character, he is unable to move in any direction without a delay.
The hindering effect only lasts for a single tile. However, that could be significant, particularly in a combat situation.
Bug Fixing with Friends
Before starting work on the next game mechanic, I needed to exterminate a bug. The bug was first discovered last night right before the livestream ended. I didn't have a chance to fix it then, so it got tacked on to today's work list.
The glitch happened when a character grabbed a target character and then followed closely behind them. After only a couple steps, the server would crash.

After a very long debugging session, two and a half hours in fact, the problem was found and squished: The server was issuing a grab command without first making sure that the grabber wasn't... Uh... Grabbing.
Thank you very much to the people in the Twitch chatroom, and Voidinc_ in particular, for helping me find the problem. It would have eluded me for much longer without your assistance!

Before starting work on the next game mechanic, I needed to exterminate a bug. The bug was first discovered last night right before the livestream ended. I didn't have a chance to fix it then, so it got tacked on to today's work list.
The glitch happened when a character grabbed a target character and then followed closely behind them. After only a couple steps, the server would crash.

After a very long debugging session, two and a half hours in fact, the problem was found and squished: The server was issuing a grab command without first making sure that the grabber wasn't... Uh... Grabbing.
Thank you very much to the people in the Twitch chatroom, and Voidinc_ in particular, for helping me find the problem. It would have eluded me for much longer without your assistance!