Devlog #13: New Version and Lots of Fan Art

posted in IfThen Software
Published February 24, 2015

Name Tags

Due to popular request, "name" tags have been added at the last minute. The name is simply an incrementing number, but it allows you to identify each other while playing.

[size=2]Fanart by SurvivorTuga:

The Caboose has been Found

I finally fixed the bug that was causing the third character in a dragging train to disappear! Apparently, the create character packets were being sent before all of the character's state was set. This was causing the character to appear outside of your screen.

AoD's Fan Comics

AoD, a regular on the livestream, has created several comics related to the game and the various bugs that we've been trying to fix. Enjoy!

[size=2]Fanart by AoD:

[size=2]Fanart by AoD:

[size=2]Fanart by AoD:

These next two comics need some background information. So, I was in the middle of adding the name tag feature mentioned earlier. While doing this, things got a little... Uhhh... Crowded. Here is a screenshot I took during the chaos:


And here are AoD's comics related to this incident:

[size=2]Fanart by AoD:

While testing the nametag feature, it was noticed that the spiders also had the "shouting" name tags. This gave both myself and the livestream viewers a rather creepy mental image...

[size=2]Fanart by AoD:

Community Report

Territory lines are being drawn up. Armies are forming. The prototype lands of Volund are barely under control!

The two main factions vying for control are Survivor and RedSquirrel.

Survivor has claimed this land. He even seems to have spiders guarding it! How far does his control extend?


RedSquirrel claims the rock enclosed space south of the spawn point. (note: unfortunately, the image cannot be embedded at this time, sorry!)

The propaganda machines are running, and there is already a poster floating around in Survivor's favor!

[size=2]Fanart by SurvivorTuga:

A fight broke out in RedSquirrel's house. Our camera crew was on the scene, but due to an unfortunate equipment malfunction the video is being withheld. Investigations are ongoing as to whether or not Survivor was behind this.


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