Overall progress for the Loradon 3.0 Preview has reached 81%!
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
I have decided to use the collision detection demo to test various design changes that I have been wanting to try. One of those changes is a renderer.
With the current (old) design, the current state and every object in the game has a Render() function which is called once per game loop. This function draws all the graphics related to the object/state.
The renderer removes the need for a Render() function (besides the one that is in the renderer). The state and each object can request a render set from the renderer. Using the render set, "renderables" can be registered which represent sprites or any other graphic that needs to be drawn. The object/state receives a pointer to the renderable, which allows the renderable to be moved, given a new color, or any other normal graphic change. When the renderer's Render() function is called, it draws every renderable that is registered. This would also allow certain optimizations, such as grouping renderables that use the same texture.
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
I finished the carpet and added a brazier to make the bank more interesting. The animation still needs some work though.
Part #2

Drawn with:
MS Paint
Community Spotlight
Written by Jay
Following Rman's advice (mentioned in Newsletter #32 "Fish Eye"), some players have begun to play Loradon 2.1 more actively. Hopefully, the in game population will rise as more players take Rman's advice.
Also, Vayne, one of the Legends of Loradon, began a Pen and Paper game based on Loradon. The game is taking place on the Loradon forum and is, in many ways, similar to DnD. Many forum-goers have started to participate and the game is expected to be very popular and might bring in some more players to the Loradon world.