Overall progress for the Loradon 3.0 Preview has reached 79%!
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
I think I have finally learned enough about collision detection to actually make use of it. I am going to create a collision detection demo to test things before putting them into the game. The demo will involve moving a circle around the screen, and there will be various shapes (square, circle, and triangle) which your circle can collide with. I plan to release the demo in an upcoming newsletter, so be sure to keep reading!
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
Now that the background for the character creation screen is finished, I will be showing my progress with the starting town's bank.
Part #1

Drawn with:
MS Paint
Community Spotlight
Written by pifreak
Wow, secret feature #4 is taking a long time, I hope it's good! I'm glad GreyKnight finished the page he was working on, so more things can be finished. I've become really excited for both Loradon 3.0 and Stick Adventures Online. I'm excited for updates to come and for the community to get involved more. It will be a fun and exciting time. Until then, we shall continue making random topics, helping new people, and waiting for the future updates :)