Overall progress for the Loradon 3.0 Preview has reached 75%!
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
Unfortunately, I have not had much time to program since the last newsletter issue. The little time I have had has been spent learning line-cylinder collision detection. On a related note, I highly recommend the book "Real Time Collision Detection" by Christopher Ericson.
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
I have decided to simply mirror the completed side to save time.
The two columns closest to the viewer appear to be too far apart from the other columns in the row. This has been bothering me since I started work on the outline. After I mirrored it, I realized what the problem was. It looks strange because our eye will generally not see those columns, since they are too close to the edge of our vision. Those two columns are actually directly to the left and right of you.
(Click to enlarge)

I have determined that the area in the red box is what you would actually see.
(Click to enlarge)

This is the result.
(Click to enlarge)

This is the final image, for the preview release anyways. I've been working too long on this background, and I need to get back to work on the town. I'm planning on redrawing this after the preview is released, so cutting corners should be fine as long as it doesn't look too bad.
(Click to enlarge)

Community Spotlight
Written by pifreak
This week was a bit more active than last. It is interesting to still see newcomers to Stick Adventures Online. There have still been some forums posts happening so the community is still alive. Some talk about items and complexity of the game has taken place on the forums, and it is generally agreed that Stick Adventures Online will remain a simple type game with few additions.
A clever post on the Loradon 2.1 forums authored by Rman has been made to say that the game should not be declared dead, but people should play it. It will still be a long time before Loradon 3.0 is released, so why not play Loradon 2.1? The general idea is to make a new character and re-play the game, as to be fair and competitive with others. This should be a fun time if people decide to play. I would recommend if you have not tried the game, or if you want to get in on this, please create a new character and try to get online sometime. Loradon 2.1 is not a bad game, it is in fact fun despite a few glitches and lack of activity... Maybe we all can change it, though.