Overall progress for the Loradon 3.0 Preview has reached 85%!
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
Due to various problems with it, I have decided to redesign the user input system again. I am currently in the research/planning stage, so unfortunately I can't say much... Hopefully I'll be able to report that this is finished in the next issue!
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
I drew some objects for the bank. Now I need to decide where to place them...
Part #4

Drawn with:
MS Paint
Community Spotlight
Written by Arekusandaa, pifreak, and Invisible
This week's community activity is highlighted by the formation of /its/, an off-topic thread meant to emulate /b/ in a more G-rated setting.
In other news, a new SAO clan named "the Lost Fleet" has been created by Silenced. Best of luck to them!
Jay has reached level 43 in SAO, and somehow also finds time to play Loradon. If you have any ingots, checkout his ad in the marketplace.
The discussion for Loradon Legends is still going on. Giygas and others are deciding who should be the legends in the fangame. It is a cool idea and I hope it will be fun.