Weekly Sitrep

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published January 28, 2009
More V5 Design Mock-ups

Oluseyi is heading up the visual and aesthetic-side of the new website version, and has been posting simple design mock-ups in his journal for feedback from anyone willing to offer up an opinion. We're trying to be as open about this site redesign as we can, so that you can all benefit from it as much as possible. So to help us help you, make sure you take some time to head over to his journal and leave some comments!

GDNet LinkedIn Group

I give the Facebook page (now at 1700+ fans!) so much love around here and I totally neglect the fact that we also have a LinkedIn group of over 200 members. Which is kinda funny considering I'm the one approving new members almost every day :P In fact I just approved 5 new members today. So if you're not in the group yet and are looking to make some good industry contacts, head on over and request entry. We're easy to find, just search "GameDev.net"

Book Postmortem and New Covers

Take a gander at the covers for the next two books in the GDNet Collection series! (Both due out Feb 10)

Also, my co-editor John posted an update to his journal with a brief Making Of that gives you some insight into how the books were created, and how long this whole process has been going on.

I'll be posting my own PM after the final book hits the shelves at the end of next month, so sometime in the first half of March.

New Resources

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Startup Companies - Roman shares what he's learned from being involved with startups and what you should avoid at all costs if you're thinking of starting up a business and want to be successful later on down the road

  • Visual Sidekick - Our own Stefan 'Metron' Maton posted this review of a Visual Studio add-in to his journal, and we liked it so much we decided to feature it.
New Events
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Sweeet. I just leik soooo posted on teh facebook paege.

Is gamedev.net in a relationship with anybody? xD What is it's public online marital status xD

Ok ok, anyways...sweet stuff man, the book covers look really awesome.
January 28, 2009 04:54 PM
That's the gamedev journal page in the lower right corner of the black book. I can't tell if my little bulldozer is in there.
January 28, 2009 05:10 PM
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