Weekly Sitrep

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published January 21, 2009
More V5 Goodness

Oluseyi has been posting up mock-up images of the new site homepage for people to comment on. If you want a hand in crafting the new site version than make sure you're checking his journal every now and then (or just come here cause I'll let you know when he updates). He's hoping to get some additional mock-ups posted this week as well. Let us know what you think!

GDNet Books

Well I completely failed to mention last week that our first book was released on the 13th - Business and Production: A GameDev.net Collection. Pick up a copy and let us know what you think. I'm looking forwards to hearing reviews - nothing's been posted up on Amazon.com yet and you can also submit a review for the book page here on GDNet as well.

The next two books is due out on February 10, with a fourth landing on February 24. I just saw the cover art for the Beginning Programming one, so I should be able to feature that here next week.

We're also looking to work with the folks over at IndustryBroadcast on audio excerpts from the books as well.

And let's not also forget about the other GDNet book, Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders. The writing team and GDNet are working on the print on-demand version for people who want a copy they can carry around with them and leaf through.

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