Weekly Sitrep

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published August 06, 2008
Good times still rolling on Facebook

We passed the 500 fan mark this week over at the GDNet Facebook page. Thanks to everyone for your support and keep spreading the word - next goal is 1,000 fans!

In the meantime, we've left the page open for fans to post images and videos, and if you have an event you'd like to organize for your area (like boolean's Toronto meeting attempt), let me know, as I can create the event page and target a notification to any FB fans in your area.

Technical difficulties...

superpig needs to do a bit of server maintenance when he gets back from the London Gamefest, so I'm holding off on this week's article. I'm fairly confident I can post it up without crashing the server but... yea why take chances? Especially with our servers, who are known to be finicky. It must be the ants.

Event Update

No new events this week, although Dave did post more details on NVISION 2008 in today's news.

Also, if you're in the NYC area I would recommend checking out Demo Night VIII next week. The RSVP is up and space is limited so be quick! You can check out the previous Demo Night coverage here, and expect similar coverage of this event.
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I thought it was fork.
August 08, 2008 12:49 PM
I keep trying to sign up for facebook, but every time the automated software tells me my name isn't valid. That frustrates me as I don't want to have to go through a bunch of red tape just to have an account. Congrats on the 500+ fans, way to go!
August 08, 2008 03:46 PM
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