Damn, September's over already?

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 27, 2007
Geez, seems like the month started just yesterday! Well, time's still passing so better get on with it...

Editorial Question

If you'd like to have a say in the direction of future article publishing on GDnet, then hustle on over to my thread on the subject - Editorial Question: Spread em out? Dump em out? - and lend your thoughts to the discussion. I'm interested to hear what you all say. You can comment here too - but I prefer you share your thoughts with everyone.

New Articles

As always, not all new articles make it to the main page. Here are some external links I added to the Resources this past week:

How to Focus your Game and Give Players More of What They Want - Another blog post by GG's Joshua Dallman on a technique to help bring focus to your design to give players more of what they want and less of what they don't.

Stan Melax (aka 'Melax') sends these contributions:
Do You Really Mean Rotation? - covers programming practices and illustrates the importance of naming variables carefully
Volume Integration - easy short methods to compute volume, center of mass, and inertia tensor of a mesh
3x3 Matrix Diagonalization - shows how to derive a quaternion that diagonalizes a matrix (i.e. principal axes)

That is all

I think I may have had more to say - not much and nothing major - but my sleep-addled brain isn't function well anymore. I guess it's finally time to hit the sack. Don't want to be tired tonight - hopefully shooting the first few scenes of my short fight film, and I don't wanna be tired while doing wheelies and skids and rocketing down roads on my motorcycle ya know. This is all if it doesn't rain *shakes fist at the sky*.

Unless something exciting happens - see you in October.
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