I feel secure

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 22, 2007
Just wanted to mention that I signed up for Mozy's online backup service this week. I've been a really bad person when it comes to data back-ups. Heck I rarely even use CVS to keep track of my code changes. Call me lazy, call me old-fashioned. Whatever. I've been fortunate enough never to lose any data due to hard drive failures. My most recent laptop did have a hard drive problem, but I managed to revive it long enough to remove any vital data before replacing it. An external hard drive of mine also seemed to be on its way out, and I got everything of that as well. Feeling more blessed than I deserved, I decided to bite the bullet and look into online backup services. Of what I found, Mozy seemed to be the most widely-used and favored backup service, so I signed up for their unlimited backup plan of $4.95/mo. I just backed up 6.6GB of data this week and I feel a bit better now. Certainly more convenient than buying another external or internal drive just to hold my own backups.

If you're not backing up your data (most polls show a majority of people don't) then you'd better hop to it before you see the light after losing all your data. Just sit there and think good and hard about the implications. Look at your daily life and then imagine it without all the stuff you normally access on your hard drive. It can be pretty scary. Don't be stupid and think it can never happen to you. Never forget that hard drives fail. This is a fact. Whether or not you lose everything when they do is up to you.
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Might want to leave your referral code here for people to use when signing up :D
September 23, 2007 03:33 AM
I have a referral #? Never saw it. Checked my profile too - not listed there. Oh well, I was never good with that stuff anyways :P
September 24, 2007 12:13 PM
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